How To Read The People Around You When You’re Bored

We humans spend inordinate amounts of time waiting in line, fiddling our thumbs sipping coffee, bored while waiting at the doctors office. During these times what most do is observe other people, as there is usually nothing else to do. So we judge the actions of people.

What we do is observe their exact movements, nuances to pass the time. What we do is critique those who are in our personal space, in our field of vision.

We instantly decide whether they’re smarter or dumber than us, prettier or more …

How To Use Your Sixth Sense And Ways To Improve It

There are certain things you intuitively know, without learning or hearing about it, you just know. You also know this information without knowing how or why. This knowledge you sense is inherent, something you know without any external sources having to tell you.

A common test for this instinct is by looking a two images of two different people who are laughing.

Most can instantly detect without knowing the reason why, which laugh is genuine and the other is just laughing on cue, much like an actor for a photo …

How You React Meeting Someone New Reveals Your Personality

We all get butterflies in the pit of our stomach, feel a bit queasy, get a bit nervous when meeting someone new for the first time. This could be a business meeting, social event, or a romantic date. When we get anxious, our conscious mind boils over, which reveals what our true personality is.

From the moment, the instance two people meet, what we’ll do is instinctively analyze one other, size each other up, this before a word is ever spoken.

What we’ll do is look for visual signs, clues, …

How Your Personality Is Defined By Your Favorite Color

Did you know that a person’s favorite color, can reveal what their personality type is. So once you find out what it is, and you know what the different colors mean, you’ll understand that person better, more than they understand themselves.

The personality of every person you come across including yourself, falls into the 4 primary colors: Red, Blue, Green or Yellow.

These colors are known as the personality colors. What your particular favorite color might be, you will most likely inherit the traits of that color.

Every Person Has

How The First 5 Minutes Instantly Reveals Your Personality

first five minutes meeting someoneSo there you are, you’re nervous as heck, as if you’ve never done this before, you’re meeting someone for the first time. Whether it be a romantic date or a business meeting, your initial reaction, usually subconsciously, reveals what your true personality is.

From the exact moment that two people meet, what they do is immediately and instinctively size each other up, this before a word is ever spoken. What we do is look for signs, clues, for qualities such as intelligence, honesty, altruism, or how aloof they appear.

This …