What makes us human as a species is we’re all completely unique from one other. We’re different in how we look as well as our various perspectives. We all have our own different skill sets, different strengths and weaknesses, goals, interests, and motivation.
If you’re wanting to become successful, there’s one identifiable component however, which every high octane individual will say is the key, and that’s motivation.
Motivation isn’t an easy thing for someone to acquire, which as a result has developed into an entire industry of how to get it, build it, and use effectively.
The problem however is that motivation isn’t a one fix cure all solution.
The reason being we as individuals are just who we are, we all have our own unique identity with different degrees of motivational triggers.
We The Human
This is also the reason why we’re the most dominant and successful species on the planet.
We’re cognizant of our wellbeing, so much so we’re able to develop our own strengths and build on our weaknesses.
So before you decide to follow the multitudes of motivational speakers, programs, and processes which are available.
What you first need is to determine how motivated you actually are, and which group you fall under.
The 4 Distinct Groups Of Motivation
It’s generally agreed upon there’s four distinct categories when it comes to personal motivation.
• The pessimist
• Too much of a competitor
• The minimalist, and
• Difficulty setting goals
1.) – How Pessimistic Are You
You may know someone who’s completely pessimistic, one small turn of bad news or events will immediately push them into a feeling of deep dark doom and gloom.
It really doesn’t matter if the issue is big or small, factual or just a rumor, they’ll react as if the world is coming to an end.
If the Internet has a momentary slowdown, what’s thought is a new computer is needed or the bill wasn’t paid.
If there’s too much traffic on the freeway, it’s assumed there’s a major accident up ahead resulting in being late for work and getting fired.
There are ways however to avoid being pessimistic. Initially, upon first panic, you can attempt to shield yourself from these seemingly minor or major hiccups of life.
The Solution
The long term solution is to properly condition yourself better, as life isn’t perfect.
Everyone faces the same types of challenges on a daily basis where nothing ever seems to go right, but some will react positively towards them.
It may appear like it’s the worst-case scenario that’s being played out.
But if you think of different options for action, and the action is taken, it can then be solved more efficiently, and usually successfully.
So face the challenge head on logically. and the problem should resolve itself.
2.) – Are You Too Much Of A Competitor
You may know someone who absolutely thrives on competition. Whether it’s playing sports, cards, or at work, these individuals come to life if there’s something at stake.
What motivates these individuals which pumps them up, is once they compare their progress with others.
They have a need to keep score and will do absolutely anything they can and try harder, when competing is involved.
This is a motivational method which has had success for some, as they’ll get promoted at work, generate more income, but are usually restricted by their means and limitations.
3.) – The Motivation Of The Minimalist
Those who are classified as minimalists are usually known to have a short attention span.
What motivates them are short-term defined goals which are immediately visible, as well as being achievable within a short period of time.
They’re able to do projects which are longer term, provided it’s broken down into smaller pieces.
Every small victory will then, in turn propel them on towards completing the final bigger goal.
What they need however are those smaller wins to keep them motivated.
This is also the most common group, which most individuals will usually fall under when it comes to motivation.
4.) – Trouble Setting Goals
There are plenty of individuals who also fall into this category, since most have an extremely difficult time achieving “goals” which they cannot see.
This is why some aren’t able to motivate themselves to clean the house, for instance.
Sure they can see the end result, but if they have a large family with pets, the clean dustless and dirt free house won’t last very long, so why bother.
Similar to a minimalist, they also like to break larger projects into smaller chunks, so they won’t become overwhelmed.
When doing errands around the house, it’s always easier for them to divide the tasks into several smaller projects, where they can see and feel the actual progress.
But if there isn’t enough motivation for them to accomplish the task, what they need is to construct a to-do list which can be checked off as things get done during the day.
They also need to point out some of the visible wins and successes for the day.
This can be an organized closet or garage, a shiny car or sparkling clean kitchen, a file containing articles written and edited for their blog.
Know What Motivates You
You’ll need to realize which category you fall under, to activate your motivation.
Once you realize where you are, you should be able to better find the most effective motivational techniques which will work the best for you.
Know what gets you going to do the things you need to do, whether it’s a big project or a small task, and then just do it.