Learning To Perform Your Job Well While Becoming More Assertive

Getting fired is the dreaded death sentence, when it comes to working for a living. There are a variety of reasons, why a job can suddenly come to an end. Some employees have a poor attitude, aren’t qualified, or can’t get along with their coworkers. The workplace dynamic, is often a volatile one.

Job loss is a casualty of employment, and can at times be beyond the employees control. The industry sector or economy could be shifting, resulting in layoffs. Union rules dictates termination because of seniority, or a company can decide to downsize, or move an entire position or function, to reduce expenses.

It’s usually the employee however, who controls their situation. Whether they get “fired,” decide to quit, or get promoted. What’s required is protecting oneself by remaining assertive, and looking out for themselves.

Know The Company Culture
Some workplaces are an open book that welcomes input, while others are more “my way or the highway.” Some employers expect the newly hired employee, to hit the ground running without training or direction.

Some employers expect to get, or will offer plenty of feedback to their staff. Others will just crack the whip, and play the traditional “I’m the boss, so you do what I say” role.

Some employers are okay with a 50-hour workweek from their managers, while others demand 50-hours as the starting point. Some employers will encourage taking a full hour for lunch, while others will reward “brownie” points, for having lunch at their desk.

Know The Job Description
Some job descriptions are set in stone, while others can be modified to better suit the employees strengths and skill sets, which improves overall production.

When an employee can modify their job description, is during the job interview process itself, this once they’ve been offered the position, but yet to accept it. If the job description needs to be tweaked, that’s the time to do so.

Play Office Politics Well
Always be practicing positive office politics. Always be pleasant and remain neutral, and helpful at all times towards everyone. Avoid the double edged sword that is office gossip, as doing so reduces the chances of getting sabotaged.

There will always be someone who will confront you. It could be a coworker who’s angling for a promotion, or someone who’s envious of your job position, popularity, looks, or status. Avoid getting drawn in, or jumping to conclusions.

If you have proof that someone is attempting to undermine you somehow, such as withholding information which prevents you from doing your job, then make sure you confront them. Challenge them to the point, where the “rival” turns their nefarious attention elsewhere.

Remain Low Maintenance
At times, you need to stand up for yourself, as it’s beneficial to complain, this to make your point. If you see something that can be done more efficiently, or there’s a coworker who slowing down your progress, make your voice heard.

Generally, it’s just best practice to keep your complaints or grievances at a minimum. What no one likes is a constant whiner, so save your grumblings or displeasure until it really matters.

Dress For Success And Keep Fit
Every individual is unique, and has their own style. Most like to express who they are. We humans are a creative, outgoing species.

It becomes advantageous to play the part. Remain current and trendy, but not outrageous. Dress for success, dress appropriately for what your current position is, or for the promotion that you’re seeking.

Remain fit. Whether you like it or not, although it’s not politically correct, being “overweight” is viewed negatively, this when judging a coworker or an employee.

What’s usually revealed on how one is perceived, are vices such as cigarette smoking or excess alcohol consumption. This especially if it’s an obvious problem. or it somehow detriments job performance or productivity.


Prioritize Post Secondary Education
What a degree can do, is get you on the fast track to getting hired. Many are claiming however, that the time and money that it takes to get that degree, is too exhaustive.

What’s recommended instead, is to educate yourself as needed. To improve your professional qualifications and development, by learning new skill sets as needed, on a “just-in-time” basis.

Job performance is what matters, performing your position well. Having an excellent attitude and aptitude. These attributes will benefit your career further, than a degree ultimately will. So get educated at your job, on the fly.

What managerial and leadership positions for instance requires, is the ability to communicate, think on ones feet, have a good attitude, be a good public speaker, etc. So that “Engineer” degree hanging on the office wall, may not help that much.

Getting Along With Your Superiors
Your “boss,” can make or break you and your career. They can make your life miserable, or heaven sent. What most managers have is their own agenda. They can be egotistic and power driven, and may be using you as a pawn, to get ahead.

During the interview process, if you’re interviewed by your prospective boss, and especially if they offer you the job, decide if you even like them. Realize if you can work with, and get along with them. If you’re not sure, then decide if you want to accept the job.

If brave enough, ask exposing questions during the interview such as, “Since all managers are different, and I want to have a great working relationship with you, how would you describe yourself as a manager?”

If their reaction is annoyance or arrogance, then consider if you can work with this person. If you can tolerate them on a long-term basis. Realize that it’s your manager, who’ll ultimately control your employment success.

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