When marketing on the internet, its been proven that Paid Search Advertising affords you immediate leverage as well as certain advantages over conventional search engine marketing.
Paid online ads are able to produce immediate results and income as well as being instantly measurable. Paid ads can often produce immediate results while being extremely efficient doing so. These benefits has been well tested and documented over time.
Promoting performance based CPC ads as well as paid search has successfully changed the online marketing and the advertising landscape forever, and its result is evident by its billion dollar valuation.
But keep in mind that there are certain disadvantages associated with paid search as well. They are not only detrimental to those who advertise, but are perpetuated by the large networks which at times can unknowingly snub out those advertisers who has smaller or limited budgets.
It appears that they would rather just accommodate those advertisers with extremely large budgets, or those “big brand” advertisers who are consistently spending millions of dollars every month.
So if one of your marketing methods happens to be purchasing “keyword” based paid search traffic, then you should be aware of this before you begin to portion your monthly budget on your CPC ad campaigns. It’s important how you approach this form of advertising which can vary depending on the advertiser.
Long-Tailed Keywords vs Short-Head Keywords
When attempting to squeeze every bit of value from your search results efforts, you are required to balance out your marketing campaigns between well researched long-tail keyword searches, where your goal should be high conversion. But keep in mind that using shorter keywords or phrases tends to drive in most of the impressions as well as awareness but they are not as targeted or convert as well.
The distinction between the two can be an important one. When accurate quality score is vital, understanding each of the keyword campaign’s objectives as well as aligning the keywords along with the keyword groups can be of paramount importance. Doing so can usually afford the advertisers revenue to move from a money losing proposition to a profitable one.
It’s not that uncommon for some merchants as well as advertisers to use thousands upon thousands of well researched keywords within their ad account portfolios. But when looking further into the data will however reveal that there’s only a small handful of those chosen keywords which are responsible for the majority of the clicks.
You can look at your own data or site stats to confirm this. What you’ll notice is that while some of these “short-head” keyword terms can be excellent at driving the majority of the awareness as well as the most clicks, they will never compare to the superior value that’s provided by using long tail keyword search terms. The “long-tail” keywords terms may not do much for volume but they possess the ability to be able to drive the majority of actual conversions and sales.
The major reason for this is that since the long-tail keyword phrases on average has lower CPC than the short head phrases which receives higher traffic, they’re capable of driving the bulk of the revenue and thus profit when advertising.
There are a lot of savvy marketers who look at this as an excellent and untapped opportunity, and there are marketers who are now moving from experiencing negative return to positive results, so you should as well.
Advertising exclusively just on the long tailed keywords are not always the solution however. Long tailed keyword search advertising campaigns can require immense effort, (which fortunately has recently been made a lot easier by using the excellent features in certain CPC networks, such as dynamic keyword insertion or DKI), as well as paying strong attention to detail on the campaigns which focuses on a handful of search terms.
Using more keyword search terms on a campaign can often pose a greater chance of inefficiency as well as potentially more errors. Not only do you need a strong organized system to generate as well as maintaining relevant, compelling and precisely targeted ad copy, you’re also required to have a sophisticated analytics and reporting system to be able to identify the gaps and the gaffes.
Ultimately, when the long-tailed keyword PPC search advertising is executed properly as well as thoughtfully, it should be able to provide you with a substantial overall increase in conversion performance. Listed are a few tips which you can experiment with for long tailed keyword CPC campaigns:
• Know And Memorize The Different Bid Rules
As you know, not each and every click is created equal. Just because a certain keyword or a phrase may receive low amounts of clicks doesn’t necessarily mean that you can use a broad blanket rule for all of them.
Researching keywords should be able to indicate which of these keyword terms are currently being used by your direct competition, so you should begin there.
While setting rules can cut down on time management, setting the rules too broadly can at times prohibit the keywords from doing their magic. Make sure that you position your site or company brand so at the precise time your consumers are searching for it, you can offer it to them.
• Customizing Your Landing Pages
While it may be difficult to compete with those PPC accounts which has accumulated thousands of keywords, all keywords as well as phrases should all be treated as equally as possible, which also can mean proper grouping as well as directing visitors to the appropriate landing page.
As you are well aware, organizing your campaigns is fundamentally crucial to CPC advertising success, this particularly if you’re using long-tailed keywords.
• Properly Managing Your Long Tail And Short Head Bids
Success when it comes to long tail keywords is all about aggregation and smart copy management. Successful “short head” ad campaigns are about copy testing, improving quality score and match-type optimization.
Long-tailed keyword queries may not produce immediate results right away so it’s recommended that you be as patient as possible when using these low-frequency keyword phrases.
Manually managing your bids when it comes to long tailed keyword phrases can ultimately be a futile exercise if you take the wrong approach. The long-tailed keyword, while it may not be an appropriate approach for all advertisers, can act as a catalyst for achieving higher profits as well as deeper user engagement. Advertisers who decide to take long-tailed keyword marketing seriously, are those advertisers who can eventually find success sooner.