Why You Need To Set Attainable Goals And Reach Them

The best way of gaining anything in life for the future, is to set out goals. This is also the basis of what every motivational guru will preach. To dissect while reflecting on your previous successes, then look forward to setting new ones in the future.

The point being, to get what you want, you need to set goals, this to formulate your destiny.

Once you know what you’re striving for, the objective you’re wanting, knowing exactly where you’re going. Then what you need is to plot out a course to get there.

These can be long term goals such as a five year plan, or short-term daily ones. What they need, is to be clearly defined.

It’s also important to set out time management protocols, by reviewing your bigger goals quarterly, and the shorter ones according.

This won’t happen unless you prioritize your time, doing the things you’ve identified as being important.

Learn To Work Backwards

Most experts in goal setting will tell you, one of the best ways is to start from the end, and then work backwards.

This by visualizing what you want to accomplish in the future. By doing so, you can then develop a road map on how to get there.

For instance, you would never get on an airplane without knowing its destination. So why would you live your life the same way.

You need to decide right now, where you want to end up once the goal is complete.

What’s your purpose. Know your unique skills, abilities and talents that can contribute. If you’re not sure, then find out what they are. Discover the things you love to do, and excel at.

Finding Balance

When setting goals, what many will focus on is their professional objectives. Although this is important in the goal setting process, it shouldn’t be the only area of attention.

Every facet of your life and being, should be considered and added to the equation.

When the elderly are nearing the end of their lives and reflect back. What everyone reveals is they should have chased their dreams harder.

So when setting goals, consider how it will affect every area of your life. Consider your work, leisure, relationships, and spirituality.

There are a variety of ways to divide your life. The key becomes to find the ones which are the most important to you, and then set goals in each of those areas.


Take Stock Of Where You Are

As important as knowing where you’re going, knowing where you’re at right now is just as important. It’s impossible to get direction from anyone, unless you know where you’re starting from.

Take the time to scrutinize, analyze, the reality of your life right now. Where you stand in each area of your life.

Never be too overly critical, or overly optimistic. Just take a honest inventory of your current situation. Take an assessment of all your strengths and weaknesses.

Enumerating your strengths is helpful in setting your future goals. At times, it’s your strengths that makes goal attainment possible.

Then ask yourself. “What would I need to give up, to be successful in reaching this particular goal?” Once you have your answer, you need to decide if it’s worth it.

Most often, many don’t reach their goals, because of the fears that lingers from their subconscious awareness.

These fears need to be brought to the forefront, so they can be confronted, managed, or conquered.

Affirmation Visualization And Meditation

To accomplish goals, they need to be written down precisely to what you want in life.

Based on one study, it was found just 3% of University students graduating, bothered to write down their career goals.

For those 3% who did, twenty years later, they were all financially wealthier than the other 97% combined.

Write down your goals and then create affirmations, as if they were already true in the present moment. Then repeat these affirmations few times a day.

Be extremely precise, about what you’re wanting to accomplish, down to the last detail.

A visualization, is similar to a mental rehearsal in your mind’s eye. So vividly imagine what you want your life to be like, once the goal is accomplished.

The more sensory perceptive the visualization is, the more effective it’ll be.

Meditation is the “quiet time” needed to get in touch with your inner self, your higher power.

It’s the downtime of deep reflection, where you honestly ask questions and seek answers, this from a place that has all the answers.

Have A Positive Attitude

What’s known is we attract into our lives, what we think about the most. So if we’re focused on what we don’t currently have, we’ll attract lack into our lives.

If we’re constantly complaining about our bad luck, that we’re cursed, we’ll get more of the same.

When working in harmony with who you are, your true self, always maintain an attitude of gratitude.

Even when things don’t go as planned, you can always be grateful for the lessons learned.

Always Be Improving Stay Motivated

This is the difference, when it comes to goal setting and goal attainment. It begins with never being satisfied once you’ve arrived.

That there’s always something more you can do, improvements you can make. Life is a constant moving target. Realize remaining motivated is always a challenge.

At times, reaching your goals will motivate you, and often, it can have the opposite effect.

What’s found helpful is having a mentor, who forces you to be accountable, which can make all the difference.

What you can do, is promise yourself you’re going to do something productive right now.

Also make sure you tell others, announce your intentions and goals so the world can hear. Then your integrity, won’t allow you to fail.

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