How To Handle Those Annoying Irritable People In Your Life

What every relationship deserves is an invisible shield, a certain space so you can function, to keep your personal integrity. Most have the sensible tact to respect these personal boundaries, without hopefully needing to tell them once they cross the line towards annoyance.

There are some however, who blatantly have no idea where they end and where you begin.

Odds are those who attempts to invade your space, on purpose or not, aren’t actually thinking about you. They don’t care if they violate your space, and how it affects you.

What they clearly feel is entitled to get whatever it is they want or ask for.

They feel they can cross personal boundaries whenever they want, because they feel their needs are far more superior than yours.

Crossing Personal Borders

Most when young or from different cultures or customs, have no idea where they stand socially in a crowd.

Some have difficulty dealing with trust because of inconsistency, instability, the invasion of privacy, which can pose a threat or alienate.

Many in this situation then develop poor self-esteem, while fear losing a relationship since they have no idea how violating or damaging they are.

Physical Violation

Perhaps the most obvious is physically moving into ones personal space, such as inappropriately touching without permission.

They step over the line with sexual overtures, or make threatening gestures of physical harm.

There are some however who will non-verbally invite or entice these actions. What needs to be established is understanding to respect this space.

Those who are annoying are just looking out for themselves, and don’t care which physical boundaries they cross.

Emotional Boundaries

There are those who will consciously target and prey on your vulnerability or lack of self-esteem. They will take whatever you’ve told them in confidence, and use it against you.

They’ll criticize, demean, judge, manipulate, or make fun of you or your thoughts and beliefs.

What they can do is attempt to intimidate you, or try to make you feel guilt or responsibility.

They make unjust requests of your time, reminding you their thoughts and presence are far more important than yours.


Verbal Violations

There are some who’ll annoyingly manipulate or dictate who you’re allowed to talk to, or will control how you should be heard.

They’ll raise their voice or begin shouting at you, saying things which are derogatory, insulting, accusing, or inflammatory. They will gossip about your integrity or character.

Know When To Draw The Line

From a social and safety standpoint, you need to know when they’ve crossed the line, that personal space which is rightfully yours.

There are certain actions you can take to protect yourself.

The first step is standing up for yourself.

Know Yourself Better

Understand your personal rights and know your boundaries by understanding what you value. Protect that at all times.

Gain access to your inner mindfulness, by developing while becoming familiar and comfortable with your emotions, beliefs, and strengths.

The intimacy you experience within, becomes your personal relational barometer.

The better you know yourself, you’re then able to better choose and understand others who can best mirror the kind of life experiences you want.

Always Respect Yourself

Calculate all of your experiences, especially the mistakes you’ve made which helped shape your current character, the person you are today.

No one other than you, regardless of how persuasive someone may be, should be able to define or attempt to control or alter who you are.

Once you acknowledge who you are, you should also expect others to treat you with this same respect. If they don’t, then don’t engage with them.

Taking Full Responsibility

Become aware, develop the capacity and the will for active conscious involvement.

Know yourself well enough to set your own boundaries, then tell others how you want to be treated.

What you’re doing is setting your own guidelines, your own limits regarding who can come into your inner circle, and what you expect from them once they’re there.

This includes how you want to be treated, spoken to, touched. What you say goes, no exceptions, regardless of what others may think or believe.

Excuse those out of your life, if they don’t comply to the boundaries you set out for yourself.

Always Be In Charge

Be in complete control of what your choices are. This includes giving you the right to change your mind, or altering the direction of your life choices at any time.

Never feel you owe anyone anything, especially those who mistreats you, disrespects your wishes, refuses to listen to you, and shows no intention of changing.

Just walk away from them without feeling fear or guilt, and don’t bother looking back.

Separate Yourself

What’s known is it’s possible to be emotionally attached to someone, while being intellectually detached. You know your boundaries are different than theirs.

This detachment creates your personal expression which minimizes emotional and psychological entanglement.

Maintain a healthy perspective on others, without feeling or creating conflict.

Know The Warning Signs

Avoid those who has their own agenda, those who don’t care about invading your personal space for their advantage.

This isn’t a difficult thing to recognize, since it’s obvious all their doing is feeding their ego.

At times, the more you resist their attempts to engage, the more desperate and persistent they become, to the point of becoming insulting. They don’t like rejection so they up the ante.

Don’t Bother “Fixing” Them

Trying to fix others is the attempt to alter love, attention, or validation. It’s a complete waste of your time and energy if you try to fix someone.

They’re also most likely not interested in altering who they are. What you also don’t need or want is to fix those who are self-serving anyways.

Those who constantly want to tell you what to do, or tell you what’s good for you, just avoid their empty boring lives.

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