This won’t ever be the last thing that’s written about Steve Jobs, as he has created an extraordinary legacy along with a groundbreaking revolutionary blueprint of brand and product creation and development which transformed boardrooms. Steve Jobs was and will always be an iconic figure as one of the most successful and legendary entrepreneurial spirits and leaders in the past fifty years.
He will forever be remembered as one of the premier business leaders in the technological age, post invention of the personal computer and the Internet. Almost everyone, whether it be business leaders, students or housewives all collectively admired him for what ground breaking achievements he performed. But then, behind the door, the method of how it was conducted might just be the root of the problem.
Steve Jobs Distinct And Outstanding Leadership Style
There are a lot more details which are continuously being revealed and emerging about Steve Jobs, and his distinct leadership method. What’s being stated as with anything a tad controversial, is both positive as well as negative attributes.
He was obviously highly successful, an overachiever, perhaps the greatest in hi-tech history, if not the most famous. This both as an entrepreneurial founder and the developer of computer systems, leading Apple to become a global corporate giant. This emergence also happened after Apple corp at one time became stagnant when under different leadership.
Steve Jobs worked extremely hard at making his stamp, chose bright visionaries like himself to work with, as well as gifted executives to work alongside him. He was also known to be supremely confident teetering on the edge of arrogance.
The vision which projected his leadership style and the charisma he portrayed was extremely evident in all of his on-stage presentations, showcasing Apple’s newest products, developments and strategic direction. He led the Internet nerds out of the woodwork and then made them cool.
How Steve Jobs Did It
But what’s now known is how Steve Jobs behaved behind closed doors, where he was also known as a bit of a tyrant. He was extremely obsessively controlling, known for his bouts of rage when things didn’t go his way, throwing temper tantrums and yelling out at employees as well as board members.
He was known to completely tear down someone’s ideas, or the individual person themselves in a public display of anger. Some have said that he would take credit for other peoples ideas. His extreme confidence certainly led to a distinct over-the-top smugness.
But the cover version of Steve Jobs was that he was a successful leader and obviously he was. The ultimate entrepreneur and visionary. Although he may of fell a little short on some of the qualities which are possessed by the other exemplary leaders of the world, everyone has their deficiencies.
This may be a case where Steve Jobs’ success, his obvious charisma, like anyone else of his stature, may overshadow a few of his bad qualities and behavior. So when he’s ultimately profiled in University classes of his leadership and management style, it may not be that ideal to emulate.
Steve Jobs As A Role Model
Does Jobs send the wrong message to all those new aspiring up and coming leaders, the next generation of Stevie Jobs “wanna be’s” who intently follow in his footsteps like gospel. All of his success despite some of his bad behavior may just encourage the young people of today who wants to be him, to forget the critical role model of what an iconic leader should be when they’re developing their own followers.
The very best of leaders are those who portray themselves to be positive role models, treating others with complete respect regardless of who they are. They are the models of complete ethical behavior they should follow, giving complete credit where credit is due.
It may make some wonder what Steve Jobs could potentially of been like if he possessed all of the outstanding behaviors and qualities which society portrays as the very best idealistic leader. He may of then have truly gained the complete admiration of everyone who knew him.
Instead, hopefully the future leaders of this generation who are wanting to be just like Steve, believe that it may be okay to behave a little “badly” at times, provided that they as a leader are successful.
Hopefully, they are objective enough so they would be able to be more critical when analyzing his leadership style and deficiencies and then learn how they can learn and be better from it.