Adopting Daily Habits To Feel Better By Elevating Your Self Worth

Self-worth is when you block everything out, and decide that just one opinion matters, which is your own. Just make sure that the opinion is a positive one. What we think becomes key, and needs to be closely monitored. Our negative minds however, are often our most harshest critic.

The definition of self-worth, which is also known as self-esteem, is having the confidence in ourselves, to give high praise of our worthiness and ability. The feeling of being a courageous person, who wants and deserves to be treated with respect. …

Hey Cupids Not Coming: It’s Up To You To Find Love In Your Life

Many claim that they feel lonely, constantly dreaming of love, hoping someone will show up one day and end all the misery and despair in their life. Well, it’s not going to happen anytime soon. It’s not who you know, it’s you, you know. The good news is, you can fill this missing love yourself.

Most complain about the lack of love in their life. They feel as if someone, perhaps a past lover, extracted all the love they had right out of their soul, and left them empty. What …

The Journey Towards The Center Of Yourself To Inner Wisdom

connect with higher selfNo news is good news the headlines shout in utter shock. What we’re constantly bombarded with by the media, is the pain that’s suffered in the world around us. What we see are things that we deeply want to heal and change. Most of these are beyond our control, our immediate influence that we’re somehow hoping to change.

But digress. There’s one thing that we can change, and that’s our relationship with ourselves. We can look deep within, and discover the truth of who we really are. Once doing so, …