Ways On How To Positively Deal With Your Negative Emotions

Realize what we have is a “negative” default switch in our brains, which prepares us for the worst, when it comes to unknown situations. This can include stress, guilt, anger, resentment, the list of negatives are endless. Another thing for certain, is what we think of the most usually becomes true.

So the most persistent question remains how to rid of these negative emotions, once they show up and take over our minds.

What some experts recommend is to just welcome these unfavourable thoughts, as they might be attempting to …

How Fear Paralyzes You From Taking Action In Life

What we humans have are a handful of emotions from various directions, triggers and reasons. Clinically, fear is just another emotion. These emotions are triggered to get a reaction from us to take action. They’re hardwired into our brains to warn us of danger, to prepare us mentally or physically.

What we live in is a world fuelled by fear. The media plays us as pawns, by injecting fear to manipulate anxiety. This to get higher ratings.

Marketers will infuse the fear of scarcity to sell more product. Government inject …

Go Beyond The Fear By Taking The Steps To Heal Yourself

We’ve known for a while our bodies are in a constant state of flux. Ready and set to respond, forever balancing on the fight or flight tense. We’ll instantly react on command to any real, perceived, or present danger we may face.

We all know the saying, “There’s nothing to fear but fear itself.” There are other anachronisms out there when it comes to this tiny 4 letter word, fear.

Know the majority of this fear we feel on a daily basis, is based usually on false pretense, our own …

Proven Steps On How To Overcome Fear Of The Unknown

What facing fear does is it connects the gap between feeling distressed, and becoming comfortable. Fear is one of the basic yet volatile human emotions. Like any other emotion, what it does is sends you a signal, regarding what to perceive in your immediate future or environment.

Fear is one of the most difficult emotions to comprehend, especially when you’re attempting to make changes in your life.

When you’re familiar with doing something in a particular way, it feels comfortable and safe. Even if it’s not particularly working, you continue …

Lessons On Conquering Fear From Those Who Are Unafraid

You may think all those courageous men and women who appear to have no fear, who appears brave such as those in law enforcement or are CEO’s, are immune. This is misunderstood as these “hero’s” are just as scared and afraid as anyone else. It comes down to how they manage it.

What’s found it’s they facing their fears head on is what gives them the courage, not the lack thereof. What they do is channel their fears differently.

There are also assumptions those who appear to show no fear …