The Need To Adjust Your Online Business Strategy Towards Mobile

use of mobileMobile devices are on track to out number humans on this planet shortly. Their ease of use, portability, availability, and affordability has created an explosive growth. This especially for the use of smartphones, which has created a new era of technology for today’s cutting edge businesses to participate in.

There’s no other invention in technological history which has been as personal, powerful, or as disruptive to the daily lives of the user, than these small portable devices. What this technology has is the capability of providing instant information to anyone, this immediately, wherever they are in the world.

What this provides is a host of direct choices which affects the decision making process. For those organizations who’s already discovered the influence of mobile, this to drive deeper more personal connections with their customers, are firmly ahead of the pack.

So if you’re an online marketer or a business owner who has yet to jump into mobile, the time is now, as there are strategies which can be applied.

Apps Drives The Bus
Apps on mobile devices recently surpassed television as the medium where consumers spent the most time. The Internet on mobile only accounts for around 14% percent of activity usage, where the majority of the time is spent doing online searches.

It’s found that it’s native apps which occupies most of the users time, this because they’re usually quicker, more interactive, while having the ability for instant two-way communication.

What apps utilizes are smartphone features such as push notification, the camera, and other features, allowing businesses to get creative with their personalized offers, exclusive content, and loyalty programs, all functioning off a mobile responsive site.

Go With Apps
The way to go is apps, which serves as an extension to your business, your brand, this by providing an interactive experience for your users.

What a functional app allows, is businesses to claim space on their targeted users coveted real estate screen. Apps are capable of delivering experiences that no other medium can.

It becomes important to know how your app’s functionality addresses closely to what your target audience wants, what their intentions are. The beneficial utility function that it serves.

Know how it’s able to simplify tasks which were previously difficult to do. Does it captivate the users by entertaining them, or solving a problem.

Does the app reach your intended target at the right time, with the right message. The easier the app allows your customers lives to become, the better.

Engaging With Users One-on-One
What every mobile user has are their own nuances. What they all show are different attitudes and behaviors, this based on a strict number of various geo and demographic characteristics.

This includes a variety of devices and operating systems that they use, how and where they installed the app, where they live, their age and gender, all which aligns with their various personal tastes.

For instance, what advanced metrics reveals is that app engagement is higher on the weekends for iOS users, but is significantly lower when it comes to Android users.

So what needs to be known are the exact specifics and user habits, which will help you in deciding when and how to deliver your content, offers, along with other initiatives which caters to the user’s preferences, this to have maximum effect.

Using Data Driven Analytical Information
What apps are capable of doing, is collecting a variety of precise data on the habits of your most valuable users.


Provided that the proper analysis is applied, your business is then able to know the exact habits, likes and dislikes of your most common customers, this to better understand what motivates them.

What you need is to harvest the right insights from the data that you collect, and use that as your baseline by placing the information into action.

Since the mobile landscape is extremely competitive, what these insights can do is improve the app, this by delivering a more personalized experience, along with precisely targeting the ideal user when promoting the app.

Using Attribution Analytics Measurements
This involves knowing which advertising and marketing channels work the best. What’s needed is measuring the effectiveness of your marketing efforts, this to optimize your marketing budget accordingly, which attracts the precise targeted users for your objectives.

Attribution analytics are vitally important for app marketers, as knowing what these precise metrics does is pinpoints strategies, which keeps you ahead of the competition.

What doing so helps you the marketer measure the effectiveness of your campaigns across various channels, such as social media and display ads. Without attribution analytics, you’re just flying blind, and won’t get the best return on investment.

Connecting The Mobile Dots
Never allow your app strategy to exist in a silo. What’s known is that the average household now owns up to 6 Internet connected devices, while the average consumer uses more than three of them on a daily basis.

What this means is that your marketing strategy should integrate all available channels, such as the web, social, mobile, while combining these online broadcasting efforts with offline campaigns. What this provides is a cohesive user experience.

With the variety of technology that’s available today, it’s now possible to recognize users as they move from their desktop computers to their smartphones, while creating a seamless experience when doing so.

Moving Towards Mobile
What building a successful mobile strategy requires is creativity, as it needs to be cutting edge infused with imagination, along with a data-driven strategy which adheres to your brand.

What it requires is targeted commitment towards providing the best possible user experience. Since what mobile now does is serves as the consumers primary communication tool, the payoff for businesses who participates can be immense.

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