The Secret To Long Term Success Is To Sustain And Not Obtain

the signs of successThe need to constantly improve our lives is one of the most fundamental instinctive desires. The feeling of knowing that everyday, we’re becoming better, is part of our human nature. Knowing that we’re somehow influencing and improving our environment, this through the decisions we make, becomes gratifying.

This is the key ingredient for living a happy and fulfilled life. At some level we’re all pursuing success of some sort. We’re constantly looking for ways to have more, to become better and gain things. Thinking that once we “have it all,” we’ll be happy and life will be perfect. Then we can relax, and enjoy life.

Success is either obtainable or sustainable. What we create are “moments” of success, this by obtaining the things which causes us to feel successful in the the short term. Long term success however, only comes from a deep sense of emotional fulfillment, which is sustainable.

So What Is True Success
What our world is filled with are numerous examples of top achievers, those who seemingly have everything they want, but they’re deeply unhappy, constantly needing to battle with the demons that’s within their character. What they fail is to grasp the true meaning of success.

From it’s Latin origin, what success means is to progress or to advance forward, which implies that success isn’t something that you gain at the end. Instead, success is more of a process which has little to do with the end result.

The Quest To Be Successful
For some, in their pursuit for a better quality of life, they’ll lose sight of the real reasons why they want to be successful. It’s never the “things,” but rather the way they believe that these things will make them feel, this once they’ve got them.

Most of what you really want, your desires, will be obtainable during your lifetime, but that’s no guarantee that you’ll become happy and fulfilled.

Once you strive towards accumulating “things,” you won’t experience fulfillment, this because you need to rely on an external source to get the feelings that you’re wanting to experience.

Sustainable Success
The purpose of a goal shouldn’t be to obtain something of material value, but rather the qualities that you’ll gain as an individual, this in the pursuit of that goal.

For you to have success that’s sustainable, you need to develop a new mindset. One which focuses on what you need to become to attract what you want. What you become is what you’ll keep.

Once you shift your focus towards developing your character, you can then begin to use success as a means to an end, this instead of it being a be all of life.

You’ll then start to distance yourself away from the needing to have “things,” this to feel that sense of joy and fulfillment.

Success Isn’t Enough
Knowing that you can be successful isn’t enough, as you want to experience that success as well. That the feeling of success needs to be a part of who you are as an individual, a part of your character.

When your success is obtainable, what you’re collecting are things, but the success won’t last long. There’s no residue in the experience.

Learning To Succeed
What we constantly see are those amazing success stories once someone reaches their goals, this in a short period of time, only to break down emotionally.

The reason is because they haven’t learned the key to everlasting success, which is the ability to create success in their life which is sustainable.

Sustainable success can’t be exhausted. It’s consistent and regenerates itself. With all the qualities along with the attributes which are learned through the experience of pursuing goals, what then becomes possible is recreating the achievement, as you become the source.


To Obtain Or Sustain
The difference between obtainable or sustainable success is the classic, you give a man a fish a day, and you feed him for that day. You teach a man how to fish, and you feed him for life.

The moral being you should nurture and develop yourself, this to sustain your happiness and success. If you just focus on obtaining goals, then all you’re gathering is the feeling. You can either obtain success or become it. The objective is similar.

Feel Success Or Become Success
You can either get the “things” that makes you feel successful, or become the source of your own success. If you’re wanting sustainable results, it comes down to the ability to create and replicate, this on demand, things that you want to experience.

What adopting this mentality of creating everlasting success to sustain, begins with realizing that where true success comes from is giving and not getting.

When giving, lies the key to getting, this because what you give away, is what you’ll get to experience, and it’s this experience is what you get to keep and use again.

To sustain anything, you need to give and receive, as this is the nature to growth of life. Success is more a feeling, and it needs to become a part of who you are. You’ll never then be without success, as you don’t need to rely externally.

Learn Success
Let go of the need to obtain things to feel successful, but instead focus on the experience of living, as well as the emotional content of your life.

Constantly be improving yourself, this by pursuing goals which makes you the type of person that can manifest whatever you want the most.

Realize that anything you obtain will eventually disappear or lose its value. Anything that you sustain, will grow, expand, and continue to increase the quality of your life. Obtaining success is static, won’t flourish, and will eventually disappear.

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