The Top 7 Struggles Of Employment Known As The Job

The 9-to-5 grind has existed for over a century. To spend one third of our life, so we can strap on the work boots or put on the apron, and go do the “job.” Open up your eyes people, as the workforce is shifting towards a micro-economy, where many are now self-employed, but that’s a different story.

Work, the office, can be a stressful environment. It occupies the majority of our time, just to earn that paycheck.

It happens to be the greatest source of anxiety in life, at times leading to ill health.

What all this stress does is takes an enormous toll on our mental, physical, and social life.

7. Left In The Dark

This is one of the biggest stresses many experience at work, which is a lack of communication.

This is when employees are assigned a certain task, without given the proper information or the direction they need. So they can do the job correctly or on time.

Then they’re blamed if it’s not completed, or if it’s done wrong. Most people, managers included, are poor communicators.

It becomes crucial to give the employee a concise explanation on the “hows” and the “whys,” needed to complete the job.

It’s assumed the employee knows. It’s also up to the employee, to show initiative and leadership, by asking for clarification or more information.

6. Physical Health Issues

There are now just a fraction of people, who does physical labor on the job, like digging ditches for a living.

In the modern technological world we live in, the majority now spends their day in meetings, or will sit behind a cubicle.

It’s these stuffy office settings, where our stress elevates and our physical health begins to fail.

It begins with eating poorly, instead of mindfully consuming high-calorie, high-carb snacks and lunches, which can lead to more focused energy, rather than feeling sluggish.

What too much coffee or alcoholic beverages after work can lead to is feeling tired and groggy, which leads to physical illness.

5. Workplace Relationship Issues

Most employers often frown on office romances, as workers have a difficult time separating their work, social, and home lives.

It becomes a serious issue, once our personal relationships or office romances begins to interfere, which then has a negative effect on our job performance.


Someone who’s struggling with personal issues at home, or there’s too much “office politics” on the job. Needs to discuss the situation with their manager or human resources.

What’s expected is keeping our social life and our job separate, but for some, their social life is their job.

4. Feeling Not Good Enough

There’s no other agonizing feeling than thinking you’re not good enough, not capable of doing the job properly. Thinking you’re under qualified to perform the task at hand.

Many find it too challenging to take on new jobs, or they lack the drive to do more, or don’t have the motivation to find a better job.

What most suffer from is low self-esteem, that they’re not smart enough, or feel they’re not doing enough.

Realize most managers also at times feel they’re in over their heads, and no one likes them.

The key to overcoming this, is by taking the steps to get the proper information and education needed, to do the job better.

3. Fear Of Change

What we often hear is “change is good,” but most just don’t believe it, or they’re too lazy or scared to conform.

What’s thought, is even the slightest change is the main cause of elevating stress in the workplace.

The reason being, most connect change with learning something new, or that their jobs are being altered.

In this technological age there’s constant change. The fear many have is they’ll be deleted or phased out themselves.

So the key becomes to constantly upgrade yourself, educate yourself, and gather as much information as you can.

Before you’re told your position has been eliminated or has been changed, anticipate it beforehand. Realize change can be positive.

2. Multitasking And Task Switching

What’s considered valuable by all employers, is someone having the ability to multitask by juggling multiple duties at once, while meeting tight deadlines.

The ability to focus on several different things simultaneously, is what usually sets one employee above another, making them more valuable.

What spreading yourself out too thin however, does is elevates stress and anxiety.

In the attempts to becoming more proficient, this by taking on too many different tasks at once, does is results in doing everything poorly or unsatisfactorily.

This leads to criticism from employers and coworkers, which further elevates stress.

1. There’s Never Enough Time

What work does is consumes our lives, as we usually take it home, or think about it on the weekends.

We’re assigned to work an average of 40 hours a week, 8 hours a day, but that’s rarely the case, as we struggle to get ahead in the “rat race.”

What results is poor sleep, with minimal time for exercise, eating properly, and relaxing.

The key to overcoming these feelings of being overwhelmed with too much work, is by setting realistic goals and schedules for yourself.

At the same time, make sure to just take on the tasks that you can handle, with reasonable deadlines.

Be clear with your family, friends, and especially your employers, what your workload is like.

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