Truths And Misses Regarding Nutrition For Athletes Revealed

some training myths for athletesThere’s contrary thought to everything that exists, they become imaginary, whether they’re the truth or not. These ideas which are perceived to be true, which may not be, then become myths. The word “mythical” itself is completely devoid of context, yet can be extremely definitive.

The biggest of these culprits, the biggest market for all of this conjecture is the exercise, health, diet, and nutrition industry, where misinformation becomes rampant, operating on various shades of question.

But things are getting ironed out, certain beliefs are being eliminated, such as, doing 100 crunches a day won’t necessarily reduce belly fat, women won’t bulk up like men will if they lift weights, or that low fat content isn’t really that ideal.

So on goes the battle, what’s the truth, what’s total bunk. It becomes our duty to just pinpoint, reveal, and flush out the biggest fallacies of nutrition which persists, once and for all.

Eating More Often During The Day
Eating more often stokes your metabolism forcing it to burn more fat. There are so many mainstream sources which echo these edicts that no one bothers to even question it anymore. They all believe it’s true.

The belief is that your diet is far better off if you eat 3 smaller snacks before noon rather than eating one big hearty breakfast once you wake up. There are arguments, either or, when it comes to what’s better for your metabolism.

There was a recent study which proved that eating three square meals a day at their designated times left the test participants a lot more full, and for longer, than those who happened to eat up to six times a day.

Also, the theory of intermittent fasting, which involves alternating periods of fasting along with periods of eating, this particular eating pattern proved it had favorable results.

Recent lab testing showed positive results when it came to time restricted eating, rather than eating freely, provided that the calories were the same.

You’ll Gain Weight Because Of High-Fructose Corn Syrup
Consuming high-fructose corn syrup over the past few decades has become a focal point which has the scientific community along with the dieters up in arms with all the various claims.

It’s well known that too much sugar of any type isn’t advisable, but suggesting that it’s particularly dangerous or fat promoting when it comes to high-fructose corn syrup, has absolutely no support.

The only ill-effects of high-fructose corn syrup is realized when consumed in unrealistically high amounts. There’s nothing which shows that there’s any adverse effects when in reasonable amounts.

A lab study showed that high-fructose corn syrup is no more fat inducing, or bad for you, than any other forms of carbohydrates, the only key being moderation and sensibility.

Exercising Will Make You Hungry
This just makes way too much sense, that since there’s so much active movement in your body when exercising, that doing so will make you hungry. But research has shown little evidence which proves that exercising does indeed cause hunger.

But since individual differences will always vary, such as women are usually more prone to overeating after their workouts, research suggested otherwise, and in some cases actually had the opposite effect.

If you have uncontrolled cravings by nature, then you’ll need to pay more attention towards controlling yourself, as well as your food choices post exercising. Workouts for the most part won’t generally promote hunger.

Muscle Boosts Metabolism
There are a large number of workout and muscle building gurus who will tend to grossly exaggerate, to mythical proportions, that increasing one’s metabolism will result in muscle mass.


Their standard claim is usually anywhere from 30 to 100 extra calories that’s expended, for every one pound of muscle that’s burned. As disappointing as it is to many, that number is actually closer to 6 pounds, this according to accurate regulated testing which has been performed under controlled testing conditions.

But continue to pump those weights since strength training and mass muscle building should remain the cornerstone to any fitness program for a variety of reasons.

It’s The Hormones And Not The Calories Which Regulates Weight
This is a myth which is created by the various diet books on the market. These popular fat loss books will insist that calories doesn’t matter that much, or that they play a smaller role in your weight management regimen.

Insulin has been singled out as the “bad” hormone which is responsible for excess weight gain, along with the consumption of carbohydrates taking the blame as well.

Without getting too technical on the exact role which insulin plays, as it has many, it’s known to just temporarily suppress the fat-burning process under certain circumstances.

Evidence however shows that calories remain the key when it comes to the regulation of weight gain or loss. Long term studies have shown that there’s no advantage to the various diets which suppresses insulin.

But remaining on a caloric deficit diet which is constant, when protein is adequate, affects the fat loss and hormones instead, rather than the other way around.

Nutrition Is Always Hit And Miss
There isn’t an universally right or wrong answer when it comes to better nutrition, weight loss, and exercising since it’s not an exact science, everything blends into each other, and all of our bodies are different.

What’s required is for you to do your diligence to specifically tailor according to your unique condition, and then do whatever works the best for you. Be as open-minded as possible while remain skeptical of all the outlandish claims.

While science and better research sorts itself out, just focus on training harder and properly, get adequate amounts of sleep and relaxation, and eat fresh natural foods while minimizing the consumption of processed foods.

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