How To Transform The Daily Ritual Of Life Into Freedom

The protocol goes something like this. We go to school, get the best education we can, which translates into getting the highest paying job. We then exert sweat equity after finding this decent paying job, work hard, all to save for and hopefully enjoy a safe relaxing quiet retirement.

But what happens is the majority of us will fail life for a variety of reasons, as we hit rut after rut.

Decades ago, working for a living meant working for a company for 50 years. To hold a safe secure job, gain seniority, and then retire.

This concept however is now become flawed because of the quickening information age we live in. What we’re now faced with is automation, outsourcing, and cheap labour.

It’s now the code for any company to remain competitive, is to cut as many costs as possible, by replacing it with technology and an efficient inexpensive global workforce.

Living Life On The Mundane

What then results is most work in fear, as the pressure to perform and remain relevant becomes almost unbearable, as it appears there’s no light at the end of the funnel.

What compounds the issue is spending feverishly on things we don’t need, to temporarily buy a few hours of empty happiness.

Shopping becomes the daily mantra, purchase junk, perform mundane acts of attempting to live a happy life. Vacations become drab, the food bland.

Instead of connecting with ourselves, we connect with our money. Then the outcome becomes stagnating.

Surviving The Disillusion

So the key becomes to avoid all this in the first place, by going back to the foundation, by realizing we’re all spiritual beings.

We’re responsible for creating our own human experiences, and not the other way around. We need to chose how to live our life on our own terms.

Realize a certain spiritual path was predetermined for you, selected before you were born. You don’t really own your body, you don’t really own your mind or thoughts.

The most important resolution you have in your life is finding out who you are. If you devote the time, you’ll find the answer, which may surprise you.

Knowing who you are, becomes the key to living your life the way it was destined to be from the beginning.

To Get Grounded And Reconnect

This isn’t religious mumble jumbo. It’s about realizing there’s a higher power which guides us, and it’s our duty in our lifetime to reconnect with our spiritual being.

What nature did was give us a body, but didn’t provide an owner’s manual. At birth, we’re given a jigsaw puzzle along with an universal modem receiver, one that you need to assemble yourself.


Once it’s solved, if all the parts are connected correctly, you’re then able to transmit and receive the signals to and from the universe.

These “radio” connections you can transmit are unlimited. You can then subconsciously send and receive information from every person in this universe, regardless of who.

This is referred to as inteconnectiveness, the state of being connected reciprocally.

We’re All Connected

What quantum physics proves, is we’re all connected with one other and we’re all made of the same substance.

This confirms we’re all of one mind, but in various forms. Realize once you have a thought, it may not be yours, it’s most likely not originated from you.

To live a fulfilled life, what you want is to solve who you are, the quicker the better.

The reason for this is because once you’ve solved your owners manual, all you need is to just follow the path, by instinctively using your mind and feelings accordingly.

Watermelon Taste Test

Then you’ll know you’re on the right path, one that you never need to think about. This is the difference between someone describing what a watermelon tastes like, and you eating one yourself.

The instance you taste the watermelon, you know how it tastes. Once you know firsthand, no one can take it away from you, or tell you otherwise.

Even if others attempt to describe what it tastes like, there’s no need to listen to them, as you know the truth.

So find your particular strength, understand your uniqueness. There’s no other person on earth who’s the same as you, who has the same DNA.

If you’re not currently aware of who you are, haven’t connected yet, then start finding out right now.

Realize Your Uniqueness

The moment you understand and begin experiencing your uniqueness, you’ll then begin living your life in an extraordinary way, and not become another clone. Everything else then becomes a lie.

This unique life is what you’ve dreamed of. Allow yourself to think about what this dream is and explore it.

What your mind may initially do is reject it at first, so continue to think out of the box, as nothing bad will happen to you.

You’re just exploring it in your mind. You’re just connecting with your life destiny, the reason why you walk on this earth this time around.

Then Dreams Become Reality

What you’ll then do is either begin to live your dreams and start to follow them, or you’ll allow fear to take over, and dismiss these aspirations.

Following your dreams leads to a fulfilling brilliant life, while failing to do so leads to a life of boredom.

Otherwise, you’ll live a life experiencing a small slow death, as everything, your life force, will slowly be sucked out of you.

What’s not important is how long you live on this earth, as time is an illusion. You can live a fulfilled life this very moment, once you’re in touch with your dreams.

It can be so powerful the “moment” can feel eternal. Everything is realized at this very instance, and there’s nothing else to accomplish as at this moment, you’re experiencing life to its fullest.

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