How Attitude Training Increases Productivity In The Workplace

a good work environmentRegardless of what you do in life, what it comes down to is attitude. What properly understanding and aligning the power of attitude training does, is increases the productivity of your business. Having the proper attitude propels positive action and results.

It can be easy as training employees so they can excel at their work, once they do a brain check at the door. So to peak out in the production process, the employees will just comply to what the employer wants, while not constantly disputing what they’re told.

With the complexities that is this modern day multi-technological work environment, employers and entrepreneurs should also be able to adjust, this by checking their bad attitudes before entering the workplace, while putting on their positive thinking caps.

To Change Worker Attitude
What we’ve gone from is working robotics to working neurotics. Workers now need to transform themselves from relying on their IQs to relying on their EQ (Emotional Quotient). The fastest way to improving EQ is learning to control ones attitude.

Attitude is disposition, a certain demeanor, a manner of doing things. It’s the spirit which underlies our behavior, the bearing along with the feeling that we place once we act, the temperament which defines what we do and who we are.

A good attitude connotes a caring, which is positive and upbeat, while a bad attitude is rude, obnoxious, and negative. Bad attitudes in an organization can drive customers and good employees away.

As employers continue to merge, downsize, and streamline costs, while being accelerated by technology, it’s always the employees who are getting caught in this economic squeeze.

The Alteration Of Thinking Patterns
So to change attitudes, the best way it’s found is to instill a training program, one that fosters a more positive work environment, while increasing employee morale, improving worker performance, and placing them in a frame of mind to succeed.

The first step is to suggest to the worker that their attitude needs to be adjusted through training, inspiring them to participate, that it’s good for them. If it’s mandatory, what it automatically creates is resentment and resistance.

Some will claim that they don’t have a bad attitude so don’t try to fix them. “You can’t force me to take this program.” It’s human nature to think they’re good, that they don’t need help, so it needs to be voluntary.

To Improve Overall Worker Morale
It becomes helpful to measure the key attitudes that you want to change, while taking the position that this effort isn’t just employee training, but more a required protocol for human improvement.

That it’s a long-term development program, where you want to change the individuals behavior in the long run, as lessons that they can benefit from their entire lives.

What needs to be assessed is the current state of morale in the organization or your department, which leads you to wanting to change certain employee attitudes, or possibly your own.

So ask questions and solve which behaviors are occurring that’s symptomatic of poor attitude. It begins with observing or having first hand experience of bad behavior such as poor customer service, short tempers, disrespect among coworkers.

These instances may indicate that EQ attitude training would be beneficial. Do a short survey on your employees, by using a rating scale prior to the training.

Ask questions which pertains to how they view the present environment, as well as their own behavior. Then do the same after the training for any improvement.

Effective Attitudes Training
For the content of the attitude training to be effective, the individuals need to enjoy the process, that it’s applicable to their entire lives and not just the workplace.


The training should be participatory and interactive, using practical examples for learning, while focusing on the individual first, then the organization.

Training Objectives For Participants
Some may not like their job or their coworkers. They may also not be able to change their job position at the present time. So the only thing they can change is their attitude.

One may not be able to control their feelings, but they can control their attitude. EQ attitude management is the ability to control how one acts out their emotions.

Steps To Attitudes Training
Taking Personal Inventory And Self Assessment – Taking into account personal assessment of how an employee feels that they interact with their coworkers, both in and outside of the work environment
Developing Personal Effectiveness – Including opportunities for participants to visualize success along with their own capacities and abilities, which strengthens their inner resources along with attitudes
Assessing Limitations Along With Strengths – Looking realistically at their potential, while assessing opportunities to capitalize on these strengths. Identify limitations which are not rooted, but ones which affects the individuals capability to fully apply skills, contribute, or create
Understanding Positive And Negative Attitudes – To develop an understanding between the relationship which exists between their thoughts and actions
Transition Models – Incorporating a process which will help individual employees into identifying attitudes that they want to change, along with a timetable which will let them transition their plan
Change That’s Sustainable – This can be accomplished once giving the individual employees adequate time to adopt new attitudes, while celebrating their new positive behaviors

Use a measurement method to conduct a post assessment after the training, while rewarding the participants of the positive change which will be reinforcing.

To Improve Employee EQ
True empowerment is taking control while avoiding knee jerk emotional responses by eliminating hostile work environments, this by learning to take positive action.

Remaining positive and optimistic are challenges everyone faces under these circumstances. Attitude management is the best productivity enhancer, the ability to master and maintain a positive outlook, allowing one to achieve more.

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