How To Become More Popular And Loved By Everyone You Meet

The objective for anyone who’s social, is to be genuinely liked by as many people as possible. To unconditionally attract and be accepted by those we come in contact with. To be likeable, trendy and adorable. Some will do everything they can to make this happen.

Yet despite their sincere efforts, they end up glued like a wallflower on the backdrop of life, as they’re ghosted in a crowded room.

They want to increase their popularity, but even their closest associates avoid them. Their personality and attitude, just isn’t conduit to being liked that much.

What’s known is there are distinct personality characteristics, along with certain behaviours which will automatically turn people away, and you become ignored.

What can be learned is realizing what it is about you, which alienates while boring others to tears.

To become more popular, what needs to be established is knowing what these are, the general annoyances why people will avoid you like you’re pandemic.

Be More Open Minded

What everyone has are their own interpretations of the world, their own vision and theories. Most will usually enjoy sharing their viewpoints with other like minded people, who are good listeners.

Even if there’s a disagreement with someone’s perception, learn to offer more common ground while providing less judgment or counterargument.

To be more liked, listen more to the viewpoints and experiences of others, even if they see things radically, you’ll learn a different perspective.

Appear Interested

Have the discipline to always be curious, while displaying genuine interest in what you don’t know. Never remain ignorant like a closed book, and continue to invite new things and concepts.

Those who are likeable respect others, with a dedicated desire on wanting to know them better.

Their behaviour is evident by how sincere their questions are, how well they absorb, what their responses are.

Have High Energy

Having passion for life can be expressed in a variety of ways, but it’s dynamic personal energy that exposes how enthusiastic you are.

This is the polar opposite of being unemotionally vacant, appearing lacklustre and dull.

What everyone enjoys is talking to someone who’s energetic, excited to be talking to them, while being active and precise in their responses.

They are completely aware of what’s going on around them, without bobbing their head back and forth.


Have A Sense Of Humour

It becomes important when in personal conversations, to know when it’s the appropriate time to laugh, and when things become serious. This occurs in conversations where both are participating.

Always attempt to lighten up the conversation provided the timing is right.

What having a sense of humour does is places others at ease, while keeping the discussion meaningful and brilliant at the same time.

Being Aware Of Cues

Most people are so intently focused on what they’re thinking, or what they’re going to say next, they don’t pick up the cues which keeps the conversation mutually flowing.

Those who pay attention and listens to the way someone acts, feels, looks, and sounds, are a lot more likely to notice a shift in mood or interaction, and then act accordingly.

Try To Relate

Be empathetic especially when listening to someone who has a story of distress. To relate isn’t the attempt to steal the limelight, or place the focus on you.

It’s more about commenting, adding to what they’re saying by showing sympathy. Understanding what they’re going through by sharing your own experiences, which can help in creating a bond.

Display Current Passions

Having conversations on a current topic can become a lot more interesting, than constantly talking about the past, unless that past experience is relevant to the current discussion.

Those previous experiences in life, should be interesting to the other person. If it isn’t, then energy and excitement needs to be infused, to make the story more captivating.

Know What’s Going On

Those who are popular are always intently interested in others. They find out what’s important to the other person, and will then share what matters to them.

They don’t repeat or converse about things they already know, but offer something they will find interesting.

What this displays is they care about them, their time and welfare. They know what’s important to them.

Have Good Timing

Those who are great conversationalists know when it’s time to talk, when to stop talking, and when to listen.

They won’t usually have a response immediately, until they understand what the other person is saying.

They’ll attempt to match the rhythm and mannerism of the other person, as if they’re shadow dancing.

They’re not urgent or wanting to interrupt to make a point, while intuitively knowing when to interject and take the lead.

End Conversations Politely

Every conversation eventually comes to an end, and those who are likeable has the knack of knowing exactly when to let the other know, without making them feel rejected.

Once the conversation comes to a head, what they’ll do is sum up what’s been said, show gratitude on what’s been shared, and give cues to know it’s time to move on.

To Be Likeable

What everyone wants is to be liked, to feel important while feeling secure and appreciated in their workplace or social group, and not be ignored while becoming irrelevant.

What most will do however is just remain the same, do what they’ve always done in the past without showing improvement, unaware their behaviour is offsetting.

What we all need is to become more mindful to be liked. The best way is by being wary of how you come across, based on how others react.

Do so by mindfully grading yourself on how you’re currently behaving in certain situations.

Constantly be evaluating yourself by correcting yourself. What then should improve is your popularity factor, when it comes to your social interactions.

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