How Planting Positive Thoughts Grows Your Garden Of Hope

Believe your conscious mind was somehow conditioned to read this article, to find this passage, to discover a better way of improving your life more positively. What you’re about to discover isn’t anything new or groundbreaking, but more a proven fact. A process which has been tested over time.

What you’ll learn is once you take certain steps of action and then follow through precisely, your entire life, your mental and physical attitude and energy will improve.

What will happen is abundance will begin to manifest towards you.

Thinking positively is beyond a theory, which contends if you believe in just good things, then good things will happen to you.

There will then be a cataclysmic shift of the energies which are currently surrounding you, and as a result, you’ll be blessed with good fortune.

For as many who believe positive thinking works, there are just as many who think all of this is nonsense, it’s pure bunk, it’s New Age hypothetical hype. Well, you become what you think.

The Development Of Self-Esteem

The definition of self-esteem, as identified by a variety of sources, is “pride in oneself, having and displaying self-respect.”

This belief of the human condition made its way into common public awareness during the 1960s, as an issue parents and the educators of that time wanted to instill into children.

The traditional methods of education and parenting were thought barbaric, which damaged and punished the development of self-esteem in the young.

Parents as a result, became fearful of raising kids which were unhappy and poorly adjusted to face the world out there.

This led to a generation of adults, who began respecting and nurturing their children, by injecting courage, love and confidence in them.

What was born was a higher level of awareness, mindfulness and personal responsibility, creating the current “me-first” generation.

The “Me” Generation

It’s crested to the point where thinking highly about yourself, is now considered selfish and vain, an undesirable egotistical trait.

Those who are feeling great about themselves positively, is now considered annoying and smug. After all, isn’t all this self love just a rung below narcissism.

Those who are wanting to feel good about themselves, as a result, are instead feeling shame and guilt, finding out modesty and humility is a lot more desired.

It takes practice convincing yourself you’re worthwhile and deserving, while simultaneously knowing you’re not the centre of the universe.


The Belief Of Thinking Positively

Positive thinking is defined as a system of personal beliefs. If you believe something will work out for you, then it will. If you believe it won’t work out, you’re right as well.

For those who are wanting to believe in positivity, it becomes difficult to know where to begin. Like any other process, the key for it to work is by starting small, taking baby steps.

Begin by planting the seeds, then learn how to cultivate them until you have a mental garden producing a phenomenal crop.

It’s your option to think what you want, but realize what’s proven is anything is possible once you think positively.

The Core Of Positive Thinking

The essence when it comes to positive thinking is it goes beyond mere theory. It’s thought more to be like a contagious virus.

It’s similar to negative thoughts such as being angry or timid, can quickly spread from person to person. Realize happiness and good humour can spread just as quick.

To begin, know the seeds of belief already exists inside of you.

The next step is gardening your mind by removing all the negative weeds, every “bad” emotion that resides within you, to clear room for the positive seeds.

Begin by taking all that unwanted negativity and then mulching it into fertilizer, which allows you to let everything you ever wanted to become a reality.

Removing Negativity From Your Mind

To tune into the power that is positive thinking, the key is to just begin. Particularly if you’re not completely convinced yet, or you don’t believe it will work for you.

The process when it comes to making positive thinking work, begins with identifying what’s destructing you, and then making mind shifting patterns in your thoughts to rid of them.

Although the mind and your thinking is infinite, there’s a replacement process which needs to occur.

In order to make room for any new method or idea to work, what you need is to identify its polar opposite, and then remove it.

Iron Out The Negative

These are the old negative patterns which you’ve built up throughout your life. For most, this is a slow painstaking and gradual process of improvement.

As you begin to see the positive thinking process begin to work for you, regardless of how small, you’ll begin to gain momentum as you clear them out.

This is the reason why for some individuals, good things just appear to happen to them, while others don’t appear as fortunate.

Realize good things happen to them because they expect it. It’s not luck, they just think positive thoughts.

Start Thinking Positive Today

What’s holding you back, what do you have to lose, what are you so scared of, to take positive action starting today.

Your brain can only think one thing, one process at a time, so it’s up to you to make it a positive one. How you entrust your life is just mere thought.

There are a variety of ways you’re currently producing bad thoughts in your mental garden, and the best way of ridding of these weeds is to just yank them out by their roots.

The process begins with recognizing and removing the most common stumbling blocks in your life, which are holding you back. Identity them and lay a completely new foundation.

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