Lately, attempting to properly manage and maintain one’s Cholesterol is one of the cornerstones of medical care in this society. Patients will usually state that they have high cholesterol, with a panicked look on their face, treating it as if it were some type of incurable disease, but it’s far from that.
Having high cholesterol however is just one of the many contributing risk factors, and not really a particularly predictive one for someone who may eventually develop cardiovascular disease.
Somewhere down the path when it comes to cholesterol, the true correlation and definition has become a little confused with causation. Having elevated cholesterol levels is something that should be tracked and can potentially raise a red flag. Having high cholesterol however is just simply a sign of other underlying problems and may not just be the root of the problem itself.
Inflammation Which Is Chronic
Cholesterol at any level serves a lot of important roles within the body. If used in the context of heart health, cholesterol is an anti-inflammatory, which will rise in response to inflammation occurring in the cardiovascular system. Over time, if the inflammation continues to persist and the high cholesterol can not be compensated, heart disease can then begin to set in and thus cholesterol takes the blame.
So what then is the exact cause of the chronic inflammation? For the majority of people, it happens to be insulin resistance, which is brought forward by the over consumption of too much high-fructose and sugar, too much food which is processed, and too much corn syrup which happens to be bereft of vital fibers and nutrients.
Is There Overkill From The Pharmaceutical Sector?
When taking certain groups or ranges of pharmaceuticals which are prescribed for lowering cholesterol, the intention and thus the reaction of reducing the cholesterol acts by just merely blocking it’s natural production. So it’s not really properly addressing its root cause, and just masking it, which is extremely shortsighted.
There is compelling evidence which suggests that it’s oxidizing LDL cholesterol, and not the higher levels of cholesterol or LDL cholesterol itself, which will usually cause the development of inflammation in the arteries.
When deciding to adopt the proper changes in one’s diet, such as an effort to lower sugar intake while increasing fiber, and attempting to consume more natural health based products reacts better to lowering insulin resistance, quells inflammation, as well as protecting against oxidation degeneration of blood lipids.
Using Natural Sources To Reduce High Cholesterol
Of all of the natural nutritional based products which are able to help prevent cardiovascular disease or CVD, arguably the best and the most effective is fresh fish oil.
Known as long-chain omega-3 fatty acids which is extracted from fish, may actually be a lot more effective than those prescribed pharmaceutical drugs for reducing cardiac mortality.
Some other natural sources, such as coenzyme Q10, which is a fat-soluble antioxidant, will also prevent arterial inflammation. What it does is it will reduce the accumulation of unwanted oxidized fats which are resident in the blood vessels.
The antioxidant activity which is provided by vitamin E happens to be dependent on CoQ10, as the latter will play a fundamental role in the production of energy in the heart-muscle cells.
Since the body’s own natural production of CoQ10 will decline in and around when one reaches forty years old or so, its synthesis will then be greatly reduced by the conventionally prescribed lipid-lowering drugs, so natural supplementation of natural CoQ10 is vitally critical.
Finally, what may be the most important is to consume extremely antioxidant rich foods which are derived from a wide variety of natural sources. This can be achieved by eating plenty of fresh fruit as well as vegetables which will ensure the best possible protection against any free-radical based damage of lipids.