How To Manage Your Emotions By Adjusting Your Mindset

What regulates how you feel, what your aptitude is, what your current state of mind is at, is by you being mindfully aware to manage and control your emotions. Our mood can instantly swing back and forth by the moment, as we’re constantly bombarded with unforeseen exterior forces.

This alters how you look, think, feel and come across. It’s up to you to know and gauge what mood you’re currently in, and then adjust it accordingly.

Your goal, should be to remain as steady and calm as possible, at this precise moment under any and all circumstances.

To remain balanced and sane, when you’re presenting yourself on the platform of life. To appear as lucid and approachable as possible, when facing stress.

For many, what keeping calm and under control feels like, is there’s too much micro-management needed in the brain, which becomes a runaway freight train.

What you need is to actively monitor your mindset, by knowing exactly how you feel and come across, at this or any given moment. This so you can regulate and adjust it if needed.

What’s known, is there are a variety of states of mind and mood, you can find yourself in. What a mature mindset does, is keeps you stable and on the balance beam of life.

Remain As Rational As Possible

Being rational, is what your ideal target frame of mind should be at all times. This is the ideal norm, the standard, the middle of the road thinking. This is when both hemispheres of the brain, are completely adjusted and engaged.

This isn’t a state of mind, where you’re walking around dazed and confused, and feeling like a zombie.

It’s rather a state of mind, where you’re able to control your smorgasbord of emotions, as a sounding board to make the right decisions.

This is where you stay on balance, while you’re able to maintain a completely reasonable and well rounded perspective of your environment.

You also want to remain in this state of mind, for as long as possible under any and all situations.

You do so, while you’re working at your job, when life blindsides you, as your professional conduct and judgement is expected.

This is the exact state of mind, where you’re always wanting to return to when things begin to go astray.

When You Become Anxious

We all know that state of feeling anxious. This is when we’ll suddenly wake up in the middle of the night, worrying about how much money we’ve saved or need, or the job performance evaluation the next day.

We constantly worry about the future, what’s going to happen to us, the fear of the unknown.


All of the “what ifs,” the disasters that may or may not happen, the butterflies that are constantly fluttering in your belly. Anxiety can quickly alter your mood.

When You’re Feeling Depressed

Anxiety is all about the future, a future that may never happen. Feeling sad and depressed, is often what happened in the past. All the regrets, the mistakes you’ve made, the choices you didn’t make. The opportunities you missed out on.

For some, what’s worse than dwelling in the past, is the feeling of being trapped, that they’re boxed in and have no where to go.

They’re tied up, and locked in a prison cell in their mind, and feel there’s no way out.

The soul feels empty, as that past relationship still dwells in your mind, the sense your career is not going anywhere fast. That your life has halted.

The thoughts that reoccurs are “Why even bother,” “It doesn’t matter anymore,” “Things will never get better.”

The world seems like a dark gray gloomy place, so you think you can’t overcome this situation.

The Actions Of Anger

What some will then do, is begin to express anger, get mad and fume, begin plotting some type of revenge. This to get back at someone or something, all while repeating to yourself, how unfair life is.

So in place of feeling anxious or depressed, what burns is a fire to take some type of raging action, to get even, to fight back.

This state of mind, is usually not good, healthy or helpful. The burning anger within is out of control, and you’re wanting to do something about it, by finding an outlet.

Feeling Fear While Being Scared

Anxiety is to worry, while fear is a response to a previous bad experience, usually stemming from childhood or a bad relationship.

This is when you automatically begin to feel intimidated by someone or something, even when your rational mind tells you there’s no danger.

Fear forces you to become withdrawn, you begin to feel insecure, you instinctively begin to appease the wants or demands of others, to avoid confrontation.

These various fears, are triggered once the previous wounds opens up and reminds you of a past failure.

You Stand Up And Become Rebellious

Similar to fear, standing up and becoming rebellious also has childhood implications, buried deep within the subconscious.

You’re not reacting because of feeling angry, but more of “You can’t make me do that!” “Don’t tell me what to do!”

What’s exposed, is resentment along with passive aggressive behavior, as you get sick and tired of being pushed around.

Know Your State Of Mind

What we’re all constantly doing, is fading in and out of these negative emotions on a daily basis, at any given moment we’re suddenly confronted.

We need to learn how to instantly activate and alter our mindsets in a split second, based on the immediate environment or situation we face.

For instance, think of the sudden anger you’ll feel, once someone cuts you off in traffic. You can become irate resulting in potential road rage.

The challenge becomes to keep yourself calm and collected, to prevent your mindset from sliding into one of these violent emotions, in this case anger.

Once you begin to emotionally slip backwards negatively, recognize it and stop yourself by becoming mindfully rational.

To Become Rationally Balanced

What you consciously need, is to constantly keep track of how you feel. The very instance any of these negative volatile emotions kicks in and attacks, you lose control of who you are.

So always be asking yourself. “How am I doing, what’s my mood.” Ask yourself which emotions are taking over your common sense.

Are you getting anxious, irritable, worried, depressed, angry, or rebellious. Are you feeling vulnerable and intimidated.

Recognize what the negative emotion is, and then attempt to stabilize yourself. Know the exact emotion that’s creeping in and trying to hijack you.

If you feel anger or depressed, go for a walk, meditate, take yoga classes. Once you feel anxiety, breath deeply.

Track what’s going on in your mind, and then identify and label it immediately. Note what’s going on emotionally inside your brain and your body.

The sooner you recognize one of these negative emotions activating, you can then adjust and set them straight before you react.

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