How To Advertise By Giving Buyers What They Want

We’ve become immune, blinded by thousands upon thousands of advertising messages on a daily basis. This on TV and on print, but now especially on the Internet. The world has become an annoying busy place. So to market your message, you need to be clear, concise, and on point.

A vague message that’s not instantly understood, takes the same amount of time as a putting up a precise one. There’s no discount for poor performance.

You can have the greatest product, but a poor ad will fail to relay your message to a potential buyer.

The ads need to be laser targeted this especially online, as you have a split-second to capture their attention. This before they scroll past your ad forever.

The image needs to instantly target a specific audience, instantly explain the features and the benefits of your product or service.

You need to get the distracted annoyed public involved and interested, this to get further engagement.

Only then, offers the opportunity to develop a relationship with them, which is the first step in the selling process.

Define Your Target Market

The best way of creating a clear output, is by starting with precise inputs. When it comes to your brand, what you need is to clearly define your target market.

Who do you want to reach with your marketing efforts. Work backwards and define them as clearly as possible.

Are they male or female, what are their ages, occupations, hobbies, income, and lifestyle. Why would they want to buy from you.

The more detail orientated and specific you are, the more precise you can craft your marketing message.

Market Narrow Deliver Broad

Your marketing message should be carefully tailored, to cater specifically to the needs and the wants of your target buyer.

Never think you might be passing up opportunities, to get more customers or clients.

Focused buyers will be attracted to you, if you position yourself as an authority. A specialist rather than a generalist.

People will usually associate higher degrees of expertise with a specialist, and at times you can even charge premium prices to reflect this marketing position.

Once you get their attention, you can then market other products to them (deliver broadly).


Make It A Case Study

Your marketing message should speak directly to the prospect, to their particular hurt, needs and wants. What problem are you able to solve for them.

Make a list of the top ones. These points should be the substance and the focus, of every conversation you have with them.

Avoid talking about yourself, as they’re only interested in what you can do for them. They want to learn about the specifics of your product.

So their immediate “needs” and your solution, should be the focal point of your marketing strategy.

Describe The Benefits

Features are defined as “The distinctive characteristics of a product or design.” Benefits are how that feature will add value or solve your customers problem. So carefully define both.

Also provide the benefits of they buying from you. What’s your payment and return policy. Do you reply to emails and phone calls promptly.

Provide value to your customers, such as manuals, discounts on future purchases. What people buy are benefits and not features. What’s in it for them?

Know Your Products Inside Out

The more detailed you are, this when explaining the features and benefits, the greater the chances they’ll buy, becomes.

For each product you offer, clearly articulate the features, the benefits, and the specific buyers need.

Use language and words the buyer can clearly understand, which relates to who they are as a target market.

Drafting a one-page summary of these details will help you get precise, on what matters the most.

Keep It Simple Structurally

The most effective messages are simply stated, as what people want and understand is “simple.” The more complex the explanation, the higher the risk you’ll lose some buyers along the way.

Have a summary of your buyers needs, and your features and benefits. Provide information that’s easily understood.

Never give more information until the buyer asks for it. Always allow them to dictate the conversation.

Develop branding. A tagline, slogan or phrase, that conveys a feature or benefit precisely. For instance “Just Do It™” is a famous slogan, which clearly brands who they are.

Get Feedback Seek Criticism

When creating targeted marketing messages, run them by your friends, family, and colleagues first, this before releasing it to the world.

Develop your own R & D team for feedback, and make sure they provide massive constructive criticism.

Another way, is to get testimonials and reviews from your latest buyers. They’ll tell you first hand, what works and why.

Never pass up on feedback, as it’s your best sounding board from those who spent money on your product.

Provide Clear Concise Information

Be as transparent as possible. This applies to your branding slogan, business card, and your website. Make sure you include all of your contact information, on everything you publish.

Provide an FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) section on your brochures, site, and every other marketing material.

Make it easy for them to get in contact with you. If they need to search, they’ll just search for someone else.

Know What The Buyer Wants

Know what makes your favorite most targeted buyer tick. Know what your potential buyers as well as those who bought from you, wants.

They’re usually focused on one or a few things. The first always being “What’s in it for me?” if I buy this.

Realize they’re not initially interested in you as a business or you as a person, they initially don’t care about the cost.

What they want to know from you to get their credit card in hand, is how your product can help them cure their itch.

They want to know how can you solve their pain, how you can resolve their immediate hurt.

Once you realize this, and stop talking about yourself less, you’ll then create marketing messages that will convert better.