10 Proven Ways On How To Improve Your Personality

Other than how we look, it’s our refined personality that sets us apart, which affects how well we’re received and treated in life by others. We generally can’t afford to extensively alter our appearance, so it comes down to how we communicate with people.

This includes how we live, the way we talk and walk, which makes up our personality. It’s our personality that influences our relationships with our friends and family.

However, refining our character is a constant work in progress. There are a variety of known habits you …

10 Ways To Improve Your Personality And Be Liked More

Realize it’s not always about you. No one after awhile really cares what you look like, but more about who you are and how you act. So learn to develop a well-balanced likeable personality, one which projects and reflects the true you.

Become conscientious on how you come across and communicate with others. This includes how you live, the way you walk and talk, all which makes up your character.

What a great personality does is states who you are, how others perceive you, this in the long run.

It’s …

What Are The Reasons Why Some People Won’t Like You Much

Everybody wants to be liked, especially when young or at work. Being popular is the biggest social currency, and nothing else seems to matter. All we care about is how many cool friends we have and how we come across. What’s important is how popular we are, accepted and liked by our peers.

But realize some people on this vast planet will never like you. This because of how you look, how smart you are, you’re too pretty or too ethnic.

For whatever reason, some are just conditioned to think …

Know That It’s Your Imperfections Which Makes You Adorable

those who talk too muchWhat most will strive for is to be perfect. They think that perfection, to come across as flawless is the best for them, this to be more liked and accepted by others. But we know that the only things which are perfect are engineered. We humans have flaws.

Then there are some who think that others should like them regardless of their imperfections, overlooking all of their faults. What’s known is that certain traits which are obvious character flaws or personality deficiencies, can actually make one more attractive.

It’s once …

Get Real How Not To Come Across As A Fake Insincere Phony

how to spot a phonyYou can sense them an earshot away, those who project how lame they really are, being a fraud of a personality. With narcissistic overtones, they’ll tell you exaggerated beliefs of how great they are, that they’re perfect and never at fault. They’re not fooling anyone.

Then there are those who project a completely different personality than you envisioned, this because they’re taken out of their element, so they fake it. Based on their surroundings, they’ll change their tone, become a completely different person.

They can be condescending when in a …