Understanding The New Mind Shift Which Is Social Marketing

why you should start a fan page on facebookOnline marketing has taken a complete revolution, this because of the finicky struggle which are the search engines, and the dominance that’s now social media in the form of Facebook, where they now have over 1 billion served and counting.

This new way of online marketing, having a presence on the digital frontier, now separates itself from the traditional search engine methods and turns the reins over to it’s users, the citizens of the Internet, we the people.

Digital marketing now doesn’t even require a website if you don’t want or have one, although obviously having one is more beneficial. There’s also really no real need to build a list to email to if you can’t be bothered.

You’re no longer required to write long fiery flashy sales letters in the attempts of coercing products down the readers gullets. This new construction, this new foundation of marketing is now built upon leveraging the peoples interests and passions.

The Traditional Way Of Online Marketing
• How you began was you diligently chose a profitable “money” niche where people needed help on
• You then did extensive keyword research to find all of the hidden rare gem long-tailed keywords. You looked for and isolated rare “buyer” phrases
• With this collection of money keywords in hand, you would then grab an exact match domain name, regardless of how long or how ridiculous it looked
• You then set up a hosting account, usually installed WordPress, selected an appropriate theme, which usually did a poor job presenting your offers. It proved difficult if you were looking to create effective landing pages
• You then created content and lots of it. This content was completely unique since you had to pass the eyes of Google and Copyscape
• You then jumped on the merry-go-around which is Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Hoping that your exact match domain and the super “thin” sniper or authority site that you created would rank
• To get ranked, you would perform backlink spamming, comment spam, bookmarking, etc., while holding your breath that you wouldn’t get caught and get slapped
• You hoped that Google wouldn’t wake up cranky and then in an instance wipe your complete site off the Internet map with a simple algorithmic tweak

So there you wait, in desperation, you used all of the “buyer keywords” so where then is the traffic, where are all the people storming to your website looking to make a purchase, where or where the heck are they.

You took all the proper steps, you educated the readers, made a pretty and effective presell page for your traffic to consume, along with awe inspiring content. You continue to wait, late a night, hoping that the traffic would soon arrive to your site, hoping that the sales would occur at any time now.

Try Social Online Media Marketing Using Facebook
It’s the new and improved way of online marketing, version Facebook Marketing.
This once you throw up your hands in disgust and surrender, you decide to do things differently, alter your online marketing strategy towards Facebook.

Creating A Facebook Fan Page And Getting “Likes”
• Begin by searching for the biggest, baddest, and broadest market that you can think of, such as Recipes, Coupons, Football etc. Think of the biggest audience that you’d like to communicate to on a “peer to peer” basis and start a Fan page
• Study and understand that market, dissect it, figure out exactly what they’re interested in, find out how you can solve their issues
• Determine what makes that market tick, find out what the audience might purchase to make their life easier, safer, happier
• “Borrow” content, as it doesn’t need to be completely unique as we’re no longer competing in the search engines
• Target, appropriately find and direct that audience, influence the followers by spending a small amount daily on Facebook ads to generate “likes” to your Fan page
• Give them the exact content on whatever that they’re interested in
• Begin to promote relevant information to them, find a way to get paid to entertain them. You can market products on your Fan page since you’ve earned their trust

The Reason Why People Go On Facebook
People go on Facebook to be social, to connect, to keep up with their friends, family, and their colleagues. They want a way to share their experiences with these people on a daily basis, usually with those they know, and it’s never to buy stuff!

Facebook users will go online to update their status, they’ll tell their network whatever they may be doing or about to do, “I just had the most delicious smoothie ever!” They’ll tell you what they’re thinking, where they’re going, what they like.

Pictures also plays a huge role in the overall Facebook experience, this especially with mobile devices and all the convenient apps which makes posting images and videos on Facebook easy, making it an instantaneous event.

The Holy Grail Which Is The Mighty “Like” Button
Hail all to the mighty “Like” button where it’s the most convenient and easiest way for Facebook users to be able to express their approval on anything that interests them.

Practically anything that’s on Facebook can be liked or be shared, including articles, pictures, videos, posts, comments, comments within a post, Fan Pages etc… everything.

Once something gets a “like” of approval, there’s an extremely good chance that doing so will also show up in the news feed of that person’s entire network of Facebook friends. The same goes for content “shares” as well.

So what this does is it makes the almighty “Like” button on Facebook the Internets greatest referral method.

Once a Fan Page is “Liked,” then the Page is given permission for the liker, known as a fan to receive updates directly on their news feed from that Page. So for each and every new like, they expect the latest updates, or they’ll go directly to the page itself for updates.


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