10 Ways How Stop Drinking Soda Can Improve Your Health

We all engage in a number of vices, consume foods and drinks that we know we shouldn’t. We indulge in addictions such as smoking, this to the point a habit turns into a fixation. What then results are feelings of crankiness and irritability, become low in nutrients, feeling ill and drowsy, and eventually bad health.

The best cure to kick an “addiction,” is knowing the consequences and its results, this when wanting to quit. A popular beverage such as soda, which are carbonated drinks that contains high amounts of empty sugar and chemicals, is a common lethal addiction. Most disregard how harmful soda pop can be, as they’re not aware of its side effects.

10. Can Improve Fertility

Although more human-based studies may be required to verify this, what research is revealing are the potentially harmful effects of what excess soda consumption has on fertility.

The chemical ingredients that’s found especially in cola, has been identified as fertility inhibitors, which can delay the length of time it takes to become pregnant and conceive, for women.

In addition to this, what plastic soda bottles are usually lined with is the chemical Bisphenol-A (BPA), which is known to leach into the carbonated drink, which decreases fertility in women while reducing sperm count in men.

9. Decreases Bladder Infection

What soda contains are a variety of bladder irritants, such as acidic carbonation, citric and phosphoric acids, artificial sweeteners, and caffeine in cola.

Excess soda consumption as a result can cause bladder disorders, such as it becoming overactive, which increases the urge to urinate more often.

It can also prevent the recovery from urinary tract infection (UTI), so never increase your fluid intake by drinking soda. Eliminating soda keeps your bladder functioning properly, while also preventing invading diseases.

8. Avoids Tooth Decay

Calcium is a critical component to dental health, and what’s known is that soda inhibits calcium absorption, which makes teeth weak and unhealthy, ultimately causing loss of enamel, which results in corrosion.

What soda contains are high levels of citric acid which wears away the protective layering of the teeth, making it susceptible to cavities, discoloration, severe erosion and ultimately tooth loss.


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