The Top 7 Common Myths When It Comes To Arthritis Pain

Arthritis is a common condition, which prevents one from living the life they deserve. There’s also plenty of misinformation about its causes, as taking the wrong advice can lead to frustration, or even place your health in danger. Rheumatoid arthritis is the most common type, which affects millions.

What happens, is the immune system attacks the joint capsule. Once this occurs, the area then becomes swollen and inflamed, which causes the pain and discomfort.

Over time, it’s possible the cartilage and bone in the joint, can potentially become damaged. The most common areas are the hands, wrists, and feet.

7 – Myth – Coffee Worsens Arthritis

There are many who claim drinking coffee might contribute to arthritis, because of its main ingredient caffeine, which makes you hyper and jittery.

Caffeine is thought to increase the pain associated with arthritis. Others claim excess coffee drinking can lead to gout, which is a form of arthritis.

What clinical studies show however, is drinking coffee can actually prevent the development of gout, along with other conditions associated with arthritis.

Drinking coffee in moderation is the key, as what’s recommended is no more than 2 cups a day.

6 – Myth – Red Wine Helps Reduce Arthritis Pain

This is what many hope, and gives another excuse to have a glass of red: before, during and after dinner.

What’s been studied, is if the compounds which are found in red wine, can hopefully, potentially, reduce the inflammation associated with the medical condition arthritis.

What’s known is downing several glass of red wine daily, won’t solve the problem.

What’s true however, is alcohol can reduce the pain, but it also increases a variety of far more significant health issues, such as elevated blood pressure and liver failure.

Similar to coffee, what’s recommended is a maximum of 2 glasses of wine a day.

5 – Myth – Consume More Raw Food

What the raw food diet consists of is eating primarily fruits and vegetables, while avoiding processed foods such as deli meat, fried food, frozen food, and store bought bakery products.

What dietitians claim however, is a strict raw food diet might not reduce arthritis.

What eating raw food can do instead, is cause digestive discomfort, as the body needs to adjust to the increased fiber.

What’s needed is a balanced diet. While eating more fruits and vegetables is advantageous, the body needs time to adjust to this type of diet.


A diet that’s high in fiber can help in weight loss, which contributes to reducing arthritic pain, but there’s little evidence a strict vegan diet, will make the pain go away completely.

4 – Myth – Dairy Products Worsens Arthritis

There’s a myth where consuming too much milk and cheese, can worsen the pain that’s associated with arthritis.

Clinical studies however, doesn’t support this claim. What testing shows, is what drinking milk does, actually strengthens the bones for those suffering from osteoarthritis.

What’s even recommended, is regulating the intake of dairy for those suffering from arthritis.

What’s also known is certain dairy products are high in calories and fat, which can contribute to weight gain, which potentially makes the pain of arthritis more prominent.

3 – Myth – Avoid Intense Physical Activity

What many believe, is just doing moderate exercise, is what’s appropriate if they suffer from arthritis.

What’s found however, is the issue isn’t how intense the actual exercise is, but it’s rather how it impacts the joints and muscles.

What this means is those with arthritis, should avoid extreme high-impact activities, such as jogging, or playing hockey, tennis, or football, etc.

There are also certain high-intensity exercises, which can potentially reduce arthritic pain, while keeping you in shape. These include walking, swimming, and rowing.

Always consult with your doctor or physical trainer, to find what’s best and safest for your condition.

2 – Myth – Arthritic Pain Is Bad

Many will associate any type of body pain is a bad thing, and should be avoided with all costs.

What this pain is actually doing, is signaling to the brain a certain body part is in distress, that something is wrong.

That it’s time to pay attention to do something, anything, to make a change to reduce the pain.

Feeling this pain is important, as what ignoring these messages can lead to, is more pain or injury.

It’s important to attend any type of body or muscle pain, especially chronic pain, and then make the necessary changes to your lifestyle to reduce it.

Never think just taking painkillers is the solution, as they can be addictive and are usually just masking the pain. Instead, know which activities help or hinder the pain.

1 – Myth – Avoid All Types Of Exercise

There’s no denying every time you move, even by just bending over or walking, can lead to body pain, which reminds you have arthritis.

Those with arthritis however, should not take this pain as a signal to avoid any and all types of exercise.

Instead, it’s found being as active as possible, can actually help in reducing the pain.

The key becomes to finding the proper exercises, by discussing it with your doctor or physical trainer, to develop a fitness program or a series of exercises, that can help reduce the pain.

What they’ll usually recommend, are moderate exercise routines such as yoga, which helps improve flexibility and mobility.

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