How To Know The Difference Between Confidence And Arrogance

There’s a fine line between those who are confident or arrogant. We live in a world of phony extroverts, a culture of those who’ll fake it until they make it. So it’s our duty to distinguish who’s the real thing, and who’s the fake. To tell those who are truly confident or just plain egotistical.

Those who lack confidence will usually spend too much of their energy, in the attempts to gain more of it. The majority also feel they have adequate confidence, while others, not so much.

It’s found …

The Need To Overcome Personal Difficulties To Be Successful

We as humans all face similar life difficulties. What it comes down to is how effectively we solve them. If someone has self defeating issues, it will hold them back, as they’re not able to adapt to the external world, until they’re overcome. It’s thought with diligence, these self defeating issues can be eliminated.

For those who are already successful, it’s their confidence in the face of similar hardships, they’re able to defeat.

They’re driven by the attitude of overcoming these obstacles, which deters those who are less confident. They …

Why There Is No Secret To Success Other Than Taking Action

We’ve all heard of the “The Secret.” What is the secret they reveal, well, there isn’t one. There are numerous books about it, the groundwork based on the Law of Attraction. Basically, what you do is focus on what you want, set your intention to get it, then the universe has no other choice but to comply.

This reasoning falls a bit short however, slightly misses the mark. Success is based more on being persistent and consistent, and not on mystical powers.

What’s agreed upon is what you focus on …

Our Purpose Of Existence Applied To The Business World

What’s the meaning of our existence, what does our life on this lonely planet mean. Is there a purpose for we being alive at this precise moment in history. It’s known some feel their life is meaningless, insignificant. There are thoughts this endless cycle of birth, survival, demise, is pointless.

We wake every day just to survive, tend our duty, earn money to feed another day. We raise our kids so they can grow up and do the same, this to infinitude.

What’s the purpose, the meaning behind all this, …

The Constant Battle Of Struggle Between Money And Time

There’s an internal battle we face on a daily basis, which is our time and it’s clash with money. If we compress 30 years of our working lives into 3 years of time for instance, and accumulate how much we earn during that span, we would all be millionaires within a few years.

The slogan “time is money” is well known. It was first used decades ago to remind workers that the time not spent working, is wasted time not making money.

This has been adopted and refined in today’s …