Why There Is No Secret To Success Other Than Taking Action

We’ve all heard of the “The Secret.” What is the secret they reveal, well, there isn’t one. There are numerous books about it, the groundwork based on the Law of Attraction. Basically, what you do is focus on what you want, set your intention to get it, then the universe has no other choice but to comply.

This reasoning falls a bit short however, slightly misses the mark. Success is based more on being persistent and consistent, and not on mystical powers.

What’s agreed upon is what you focus on the most expands, so you need to focus on what you want, and not on what you don’t want.

Then set it into motion otherwise it just remains a dream. This is the reason why so many people don’t succeed, and become unhappy with their lives.

There is also plenty of “self-help” information on the topic, so everyone who wants to become successful, can be.

To Take Action

The problem is common, 95% percent of those who purchases courses or attend seminars don’t bother to apply the information they’ve learned, they never take any action.

It’s as if they think if they learn the information, then mystical things will happen to them automatically. The key is you need to do something about it.

There are huge problems with implementation, however. Most will operate at only a fraction of their true potential, resulting in just reaching a small percentage of their potential success.

The key to success is right there in front of you, in black and white, in any given field of endeavour you choose.

It’s spelled out in its entirety, but most don’t, won’t, take the first step out of fear. The issue being poor to no implementation.

Positive thinking, hoping and wishing, affirmations aren’t enough by themselves. What you need is to commit to take action.

Just Believe

Knowing and doing what it takes to become successful, the self confidence to begin, to go out and get started while expecting to make mistakes but continuing to move forward, begins with believing in yourself.

For most, the problem is just getting started. Some don’t know where to begin. All it takes is a bit of research and answering a few questions.

Or there’s over preparation, over thinking, paralysis from analysis, then procrastination. Many spend too much time preparing, then they run out of time to get started.

Ready Aim Fire

We’ve all heard the expression “Ready, Aim, Fire.” Once you feel you’re ready, don’t expect to be perfect once you get started.

It’s better to just start and make the corrections as you go. The biggest issue is you need to find out what you want to do, what your path is. Sounds elementary, but difficult to do.


Most just have a vague idea of what they’re wanting to accomplish. So what you need is to brainstorm, write down on a piece of paper exactly what you want to do.

Write out all the things you’re wanting to accomplish, whatever it is you’re embarking on. Don’t worry what you write, it’s just a starting point, so just write.

Once you’ve written your wants and needs, you can then go back through everything to find the commonalities and similarities.

You should be pleasantly surprised with the results, as you now have a template.

To Jump Off A Cliff

Most are actually just afraid to begin, get started on a new endeavour, because they don’t feel worthy. Most wonder, “Do I really deserve this, what gives me the right to do this?”

This is the first instinct and the first hurdle to overcome, that you really do deserve it.

As a result, what you’ll do is over prepare. Study another course, then another, this in order to get ready. In actuality, you become over saturated.

This becomes the biggest stumbling block which holds back 95% at ground zero. To get over this, put together a portfolio of your accomplishments, experience, and education.

It’s almost guaranteed you’ll be impressed with yourself, what you’ve done and are capable of doing.

This Applies To You

You may be thinking this procedure is too simple, or happens only to the over achievers, those successful with an MBA, that this advice only pertains to the wealthy.

This isn’t the case, this applies to anyone who chooses to use it.

Whether you’re just starting out in business, sales, looking to get promoted at work, applying for a new job, starting a relationship. When making any new decision which affects your life.

Make Sure You Take Action

Realize that implementation, or the lack of it may be the cause, the sticking point that’s holding you back.

Realize it takes the most concentrated energy to begin something new, and then less exertion to keep it going. The key is building momentum, making mistakes and overcoming them.

Think of a steamboat chugging away, a plane taking off the ground, or a rocket ship launching. Extreme effort is needed to start, then the pressure lessens.

What these, like anything else in life does is it takes enormous amounts of energy to get started, but less energy to keep it moving forward.

So your ambition and success, although it’ll take a lot of commitment at the beginning, will get easier once you get going.

The key becomes taking action, to make the dedicated commitment to take the first initial step, focusing on the right thing, then you’ll begin to gain momentum and then eventually succeed.

Don’t allow fear, hesitation and procrastination to win out. These are the common enemies which holds you back from taking action, and putting things off until tomorrow.

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