Reiki is a type of holistic therapy, which is a concept of Eastern based energy flow healing that conglomerates the 7 Chakras. These are the precise energy centers found in the human body. According to practitioners, these are the focal points where the Reiki practice concentrates on and heals.
Most by now have heard of Reiki healing, but may not be sure what it does.
As a therapy, if you’re wanting to rid of stress and anxiety buildup in your mind and body. Reiki treatment might be the solution, as it’s known to heal.
Reiki when compared to Yoga for instance, even though they both share the goal of promoting healing and stress reduction, are distinctly different.
What Reiki commands are completely different forms of flow, when it comes to acquiring life force energy.
The Reiki technique which originated in Japan, is simply initiated by the placing of hands directly where the unseen energy, flows in the body.
What doing so does is relieves the patient from stress, making them feel completely invigorated.
The Core Basics Of The Reiki Technique
What the Reiki technique believes in, is if the internal energy that transpires inside a person’s body happens to be low. They’re more than likely to be suffering from various kinds of illnesses.
On the other hand, if this internal energy is high and developed. It’s thought it can manifest into an active and healthier life for the individual.
After a client undergoes this healing process, they’ll usually feel a glowing radiance both inside and outside their body.
The Healing Powers Of Reiki
The person becomes more sensitive and acute, as the treatments are thought to heal the entirety of their being.
Reiki is believed to heal the person’s body, mind, emotions, and spirit.
One of the advantages when receiving Reiki treatment, is it complements the other forms of treatment the person may currently be receiving.
For instance, it’s thought to lessen the potential side effects and the symptoms which may have been brought forward from clinical surgery, or when a person becomes ill and requires medication.
There’s a growing number of positive feedback and testimonials, regarding the effectiveness once receiving Reiki treatment.
Many claim the treatment has cured them or helped them in the healing process.
Are There Any Risks Of Reiki Treatment
Reiki therapy healing involves the patient to be in a positive frame of mind. It usually works best when they’re in a free flow thinking state.
It works the best when the body and the mind isn’t overwhelmed with negative vibes.
The reason for this, is because the patient has the capability to block the energy force that’s flowing through their body, and while doing so, can’t be harmed in any way.
Reiki is often used in conjunction with homeopathy and Western based medical treatment.
The therapy also won’t ask the participant to change their religious views if they have any, or how they view life in general.
What the therapy acts as, is an accompaniment to other forms of treatment.
How Does Reiki Heal
Since the Reiki healer regards their hands as energy channels, the person receiving the treatment may feel a bit of warmth at times.
This is known as energy transfer, which can be a tickling sensation when receiving the therapy.
Feel assured during the actual therapy application process, it doesn’t cause any harm to the individual whatsoever.
The Reiki healers also don’t offer any promises of healing, especially during the initial stages of the patient receiving treatment for the first time.
The Ancient Practice Of Reiki
The essence of Reiki is considered healing by using natural redirected energy, and it doesn’t involve any Eastern based mysticism.
Even though Reiki may be considered spiritual in nature, it doesn’t advocate any form of belief.
The faith that’s used depends on the person’s actual individual capability, of believing in how effective the Reiki treatments are.
There’s no particular teaching which one needs to learn, in order to be cured by Reiki therapy.
Some individuals may associate Reiki being some form of religion, because of its unexplained yet proven healing techniques.
There’s also the seemingly invisible effect it has once undergoing the treatments.
This belief is brought forward because of certain therapeutic techniques, along with what appears as almost divine intervention that provides the healing.
Like any other form of healing, it’s only natural to think something supernatural might be involved.
How Reiki Was Originated
The term Reiki is derived from “Rei,” which in Japanese means Higher Power or God’s Wisdom.
Once translated, the name suggests participation from the guidance of the divine when it comes to the healing process.
But again, it doesn’t imply it’s a form or any type of religious practice.
What the “ki” refers to, is life force energy.
So once joining and combining these two terms, what it translates into, is “A higher power guided life force energy.”
Does Reiki Really Work?
Reiki is now an accepted form of healing in the Western world, which has proven effective in curing individuals from all walks of life from various illnesses.
The ultimate goal of Reiki, is making the patient realize healing starts from the spirit first.
What they then adopt is the commitment and the willpower, which is part of the overall experience and healing process.
To establish a longer lasting effect from the Reiki treatment, the patient is also required and expected to do their part.
What’s required is participation by carrying out their responsibilities, by actively joining the ritual of the healing process.
This is a collaborative effort between the Reiki healer, and the individual receiving the treatment.