How To Create Abundance In Your Life By Showing Gratitude

You really do create your own path based on what you think. The seed that’s planted on whatever you hope for, grows, allowing you to reap what you sow. This has been a well known fact, even before the concept of abundance was well known.

It’s a simple statement. This thought form is based on the Law Of Attraction movement, along with The Law Of Karma.

The secret being, be as emotionally grateful and generous as possible, which will undeniably lead a path towards the creation of abundance.

What karma projects are the choices we’ve made in the past, which can be words we’ve said, or the good or bad deeds we’ve done.

The belief being “what” we did, whether good or bad, will eventually somehow return back to us.

The good news is we can begin today, this moment, to neutralize the past, just bury it, and begin to lay a new foundation of what we want for the future.

This begins by creating the type of energy which generates emotional generosity. There is a method of doing so, the most difficult perhaps being forgiveness.

Learning How To Forgive

Forgiving can be a steep hill to climb. This because we don’t feel we want or need to forgive, why should I bother, it wasn’t my fault.

At times, it’s even hard to forgive ourselves, resulting in us walking around in a cloud of anxiety and guilt. Why is it or who are they, which is the most difficult when it comes to forgiveness.

Once you look inwards, introspect, you realize the person who’s the most hardest to forgive, is usually someone you love the most.

The Path To Forgiveness

Forgiveness is an extraordinary human power which we all possess, yet there are some who don’t necessarily like or believe in forgiving.

If there’s anything valuable which can be extracted from forgiving, it then becomes important to know why the lesson learned proved to be so valuable.

Forget Things Wronged Remember Things Which Are Good

What this requires is a complete shift in our focus, from damaging feelings such as holding grudges, being angry, or being resentful.

The first damage being you place your health at risk, from unnecessary guilt, stress and anxiety.

So begin by writing down the reasons why you were, or still are attracted or associated with the person who happened to hurt you.

The roadblock is those feelings of resentment, which prevents you from receiving all of the good things which you deserve in life.


Express Your Blessings

Start by focusing on that person who you are angry with. The person you feel who may have wronged you, or you’ve wronged them in some way.

Begin thinking and then writing positive blessings and wishes about that person. Write a list of things which you think they can find helpful.

Wish the person loving moments of calm, stability, and peace in their lives. Wish good health, happiness, and good fortune.

The good thoughts you send to them without they even knowing, will somehow be returned back to you.

Make Sure You Compliment Others As Much As Possible

A way of planting the abundance seed is to begin complimenting others as much as possible.

Once you see someone for the very first time, or it could be an old friend, compliment on how good they look because of their recent weight loss.

In the past, you may of thought, why even give them the satisfaction and the acknowledgement of you telling them how great they look.

Instead, verbally give them the satisfaction, as it will instantly make them feel better while making yourself feel better as well.

The Expression Of Gratitude

Go ahead and express your gratitude by sending a quick “Thank You” email or text, or even a hand written note.

Make everything you do in your daily life be based on complete gratitude, including acknowledging the elderly and the young alike.

Begin by using “Thank You” as regular words in your vocabulary to everyone you come across, friend or foe.

Adopt the attitude of gratitude. Even if you’re not completely satisfied with the service you just received, or the state of what your life may be today.

Just make sure you still perform the motion of being grateful, and make it become a habit. What this does is it will trigger the emotion that is gratitude.

This is similar to continuously reminding yourself to improve your posture, as it will have the same effect and result. You’ll also instantly become more energetic and confident.

Growing Your Abundance

Generating abundance begins, and is filled once you grant your forgiveness, which is laced with compliments, blessings, and writing “Thank you” emails or notes.

It also involves supporting others while constantly expressing your gratitude, which can be in the form of words, or you just being there.

This should be practiced and maintained daily by finding something to be thankful for.

Look out for and place a stop to all the attacks of criticism, those unkind snide remarks which you’re about to let loose from your tongue.

Also be aware of and avoid giving someone the silent treatment, or thinking you need to get even.

Once you eliminate all of this resentment, then open up a place where you can only give gratitude.

The universe will then respond by filling up that empty spot with complete blessing. What this does is it sets up the stage which will ultimately attract abundance.

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