The 5 Different Money Personality Types Which One Are You

What just the mention of money does is it activates the deepest of emotions in many. Are you motivated by scarcity or abundance. Are you cheap or are you generous, realizing money is just an infinite symbol, and something you can’t take with you once you pass away.

Do you have the peace of mind to spread it around to others. Do you realize it’s just an universal energy, which doesn’t belong to anyone or stay in your pocket for long.

Do you enjoy to distribute it or rather hoard it, allowing it to get stale in your GIC or stuffed under your mattress.

Money Is The Root Of…

What money does is it brings out our worst fears and reactions.

What we all want is to surrender to this fear along with other resistances, in the hopes money will flow more freely our way, and feel at peace about it.

To identify your money personalty, you need to define your attitude towards it.

Many will combine more than one type of money personality, to define who they are. So evaluate what your financial habits and tendencies are.

The goal is developing the most successful approach possible for your situation, when it comes to your attitude about money.

1.) – How Often Do You Procrastinate

What you notoriously do is avoid dealing with all your financial obligations such as saving for a rainy day, as you sweep them under the rug.

You live paycheck to paycheck, you spend until the money runs out, not bothering to plan for the future.

You spend freely and you don’t care as you feel good about it. The stress dissolves as you spend your wad.

What eventually catches up to you is the reality of going into debt as the bills mount, and the creditors start knocking at the door.

Then guilt starts to set in, since you can’t fulfill your financial obligations.

A Procrastinators Personality

• Do you put off or have difficulty making financial decisions
• Do you have unpaid bills or debt, even though you have the money to pay for them
• Are your bills always past due to the point they accrue penalty or interest charges

What it takes is self diligence and discipline when it comes to surrender denial, which is a key issue with procrastinators. Gradually, you’ll make it a habit of addressing your poor money habits at your own pace.

The secret to rid of money procrastination is to find the balance between accepting your financial responsibilities, and finding other ways to unwind from stress.


2.) – Panic About The Lack Of Money

Those who constantly worry about money are usually frugal. They’re astute accountant type problem solvers, who avoids all errors because of their diligence with numbers.

What this stress causes is poor health and sleep. It becomes important for them to surrender this stress, so they don’t sabotage abundance when it comes to their relationship with finances.

Stressed Out About Money

• You constantly worry about money daily, even if you have plenty of it
• You have difficulty sleeping because of money
• You make your financial issues bigger than they are
• Once one financial worry is solved, you immediately create another

Stressing about money pointlessly dominates your life. Avoiding this money stress and worry is by staying focused in the present moment.

So instead of inventing stories of doom and gloom about your money, just choose to avoid them.

3.) – Do You Spend On Impulse

Addictive spenders enjoy the thrill of spending more money, than what the security which is saving money provides.

Impulsive spenders will spend at will, whether they can afford it or not. Spending becomes a habit, a drug, a way to increase a low self-esteem.

It temporarily masks their hurts, the disappointments of their lives, as they fill the emotional gap with material goods.

Impulsive Spending

• You have difficulty controlling your spending
• You find it thrilling to spend or gamble away your money
• You’re a compulsive shopper, purchasing “bargains” you can’t afford
• You overspend to escape anger, worry, frustration, or loneliness

As a result, you may have bad credit. Addictive spending is an emotional issue and not a financial one.

The healing process begins with learning to let go, and addressing these emotions without attempting to mask them with spending.

4.) – Spending Intuitively

Intuitive spenders will balance their logic with instinct when it comes to their money management. They get into trouble once they overrule their impulses with logic.

They can also easily misread a financial situation, as they can’t distinguish intuition from fear.

Intuitive Spenders

• Do you use your gut instincts instead of logic when it comes to finances
• If a decision feels right, are you able to act on it
• Do you trust your instincts when it should be “no” to financial risk
• Do you use your intuition when it comes to making major money or investment decisions

Good intuitive spenders have excellent common sense. They’re brilliant money managers if they’re clear about the messages they’re surrendering to.

The key is to not overthink strategy, while trusting your intuitive instincts.

5.) – Do You Hoard Money

Do you save every penny for a rainy day, one that never comes. This is the difference between financial responsibility and being obsessive.

Chronic savers are penny pinchers who are greedy cheap misers. They can’t enjoy their money, instead they despise it.

They can’t spend it on themselves or on others, so the money just gathers dust.

Are You A Money Hoarder

• Are you overly diligent at saving money to the point of greediness and obsession
• Do you prefer low risk conservative investments instead of taking moderate risks
• You dislike spending money on things even if you can easily afford it
• You see no point giving to charities or causes, or helping those who are in need

Once those who saves become hoarders, it suggests an obsessive compulsive disorder which forces them to clutch onto their money.

What doing so does is wards off anxiety, which is the opposite of surrender. They’re unable to surrender control since they fear scarcity.

To experience more happiness, just allow this stinginess to go away. Become a self-appointed money distributor who enjoys spreading abundance.

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