So you’re most likely wondering how to get rid of that unwanted middle mound of fat, that accumulates on your stomach. That bulge, that belly fat. It can happen when we grow older, or once the weather begins to get cooler.
It’s more commonly consuming the wrong types of fat, or just eating too much.
So what actually happens to the food you eat, once it reaches your stomach?
Once you eat something, anything, the food is broken down in the small intestines, and then broken down further into three basic and distinct nutrients: glucose, amino acids, and fatty acids.
Once in your body, the stomach puts these nutrients to work, by assigning them into different tasks which affects your body’s composition.
If you happen to eat too much food during a particular meal or day, your body’s metabolism system doesn’t have a suitable place to place all of those extra nutrients you’ve consumed.
This excess food becomes unemployed and unused, so your body has no other choice but to assign the excess broken down foodstuff in your body, and turn it into belly fat.
1.) – Where The Excess Protein Molecules Go
When you consume protein, your stomach will break it down in the small intestines into amino acids.
Once done, the processed amino acids will enter into the blood stream, where they’re made available and can be picked and used by the cells that needs them.
Amino acids are needed to basically build components which are extremely important for body function, primarily for building muscle tissue.
Since protein is used for a lot of important as well as unique roles, the body doesn’t use these amino acids as energy.
This only occurs when there’s not enough fatty acids (better know as just “fat”) as well as glucose, which are not always readily available.
The body itself doesn’t have a storage system for amino acid, so if you consume too much protein, the body will automatically store the excess amino acid as fatty acid or glucose.
2.) – Where The Glucose Molecules Go
All the glucose molecules which are released during the digestion process, goes directly to the liver.
They also enter the cells, where they’re further broken down as an energy source or stored as glycogen, which is also referred to as glucose.
The muscle based cells will usually absorb the most glucose, and will also tend to keep the absorption all to themselves.
The liver will maintain a storage of glycogen as well, along with sharing it with the brain and the other major muscle tissues between meals.
Glucose is an excellent form of energy which is readily available as body fuel.
But since glucose molecules hold significant amounts of water, that results in the body not being able to store as much.
3.) – Where The Fatty Acid Goes
The third nutrient, the fatty acids which you ingest with your meals, once they’re broken down, moves from the small intestines directly into the blood stream, and then heads towards the liver.
The liver will package this fatty acid and send it to the cells to be absorbed, or if there happens to be too much, will be stored as triglycerides.
These packets of fatty acids are the main basic forms of stored energy which resides in the body.
Triglycerides are usually stored in two distinct places which are the fat cells residing deep inside the abdomen, known as intra-abdominal fat, and in the surface of the fat cells, which are present all over the body.
While your body requires some of the fat to be stored, the problem starts when there’s too much of this “fat” that’s stored when compared to how much of the fat is actually used.
So Finally… A Recipe To Rid Of All That Belly Fat
Eating more food than you actually need, leads towards fat storage, and it’s as simple as that. It turns into fat.
Unfortunately, the majority of that unwanted fat goes directly to the belly area.
So what may be an obvious and simple statement, is to get rid of that excess belly.
What you need to do, is just go back to the basics of dieting.
This includes eating less, especially when it comes to “bad” fats.
Since it’s extremely difficult to follow a strict diet where you’re required to count the exact grams or the caloric percentages of fat you ingest, it’s a lot easier to track and know what type of fat you consume.
The Different Types Of “Bad” Fat
What you need to understand, are the types of fat, such as saturated fat and partially hydrogenated vegetable oil.
These are the types of fats, you want to minimize or completely remove from your diet.
Foods High In Saturated Fats Include:
• Ice cream
• Margarine
• Butter
• Mayonnaise
• Red meat
• Processed or creamy cheese
• Cream sauces
• Dairy chocolate
• Certain nuts
Foods High In Partially Hydrogenated Vegetable Oils Include:
• Ice cream
• Cakes
• Donuts
• Pastries
• Cookies
• Crackers
Foods To Include In Your Diet
• Poultry as long as the skin is removed
• Fruits as well as vegetables
• Legumes such as: dry beans, lentils, garbanzos
• Whole grains such as: whole grain cereals and bread
• Good fats such as: canola oil, sesame oil and extra virgin olive oil
• Fish and other seafood high in Omega 3 fatty acids
Be As Physically Active As Possible
You’re able to get rid of that unwanted belly fat much quicker, once you minimize the foods high in saturated and hydrogenated fats, while doing some type of physical exercise.
Simply walking is usually the ideal and the easiest form of exercising.
Just remember your body will use up the stored glucose in your liver as well as your muscles, during the first 20 or so minutes of beginning the exercise.
After the initial 20 minutes, the body will then start using the fat stored in your cells.
When exercising, the very first fat that will begin to burn when you start walking, or go for a jog is your belly fat.
Getting Rid Of That Belly Fat
Once approached properly, getting rid of that excess belly fat isn’t really that complicated.
You really don’t need to start any of those trendy money absorbing extravagant diets or monthly healthy eating plans.
Just make sure you follow the basic principles:
• Eat less food
• Minimize the bad fats as much as possible
• Walk, go for a jog, go for a bike ride or use the treadmill
This will guarantee that you will begin to see some favorable results.
To your better health and less belly fat!