How To Get Back The Same Vibrational Energy You Give Out

There’s this human trait most people have, which is the tenancy to wait for others to give them what they want. Or they expect them to know and then fulfill what their needs are for them, on demand, automatically. This pattern of “waiting for someone,” causes nothing but pain and grief.

At the beginning of any new relationship, what you’ll initially get is everything you’ve ever wanted fulfilled.

This includes what you’ve longed for, all of your fantasies of love, such as: tenderness, affection, attention, excitement.

You then think you’ve finally found your perfect match, your significant other, and from that moment on, all of your wants and needs will be fulfilled forever.

You envelope yourself in the illusion this new adventure, all this attention towards you will last forever.

What you think is you’ll never need to do anything else to continue receiving this stream of love, this constant flow of energy from your new partner.

Then There’s Real Life

Reality then steps in and things turn out differently. After a while, that shine of your initial love begins to luster. The attention and the energy which you once received goes away.

That energy is now directed back into your careers, your friends, and all the other activities which you’ve had before meeting one another.

You then begin to panic. What’s going on, doesn’t this person love me any longer? How did I, you, suddenly become so boring and tiresome.

You begin searching for reasons why that affection of love is fading away. You were initially the main attraction, but now you’re reduced to a dim glow.

Give It To Me Now

What you then decide is you won’t allow this to happen to you. You demand they continue to give you the same love and attention they once did in the beginning.

You focus yourself on what you feel you’re entitled to receive, what your partner should be giving you.

What’s odd, however, is you’re not focusing on what you can give back to that person.

Why be so stubborn and continue maintaining this abstract belief, everything you want should be given to you, pronto.

Why wait for the other person to give you what you’re wanting. It should be you giving it out yourself.

Begin by giving back to them exactly what you’d like to receive for yourself. You have nothing to lose when using this approach.


The benefits you’ll earn in return, what you’ll gain back is the missing love, attention, affection, energy, and excitement you’ve been longing.

That’s right! The exact same things which the other person freely gave you in the beginning.

Giving Out The Energy

Begin by giving out the love yourself. Giving is the only proven and fail safe way of making sure you get it back yourself.

The only hazard being you might get hurt, get rejected, or be taken advantage of.

But if you continuously need to wait for someone to give you what you’re wanting, you can be waiting forever.

There’s also the elevated risk you’ll never get what you want, there are no guarantees.

Realize once you give out exactly what you’re wanting for yourself, then it usually becomes reciprocal.

Tuning Into The Same Frequency

Why this works, is because once you first give someone something what you want, what you’re doing is “tuning” into the same frequency of what you’re giving out.

For instance, if you’re wanting more attention, try to find out where that attention is missing, then fill in the gap yourself.

Begin by asking your partner how they feel, how their day went, what they’ve learned today, if they found out something new.

Show your genuine interest, and then they’ll return the same interest back to you. Once you give them attention, you’ll then get equal attention back in return.

Be First Give To Receive

If you’re wanting love, then give them your love first. If you’re seeking advice, then start giving others some helpful advice.

If you’re looking for a boost in energy, then boost the energy of someone else, as once you do so, you’ll feel your own energy rising. It’s all about reciprocation.

If you’re wanting someone to listen to you, then become a better listener yourself.

If you’re wanting more friends, then become a better friend. If you’re wanting more respect from others, then respect humankind more.

In order to get whatever it is you want for yourself, learn to give it out first.

Instead of waiting, be prepared to do all you can to help out.

Spread The Energy

Set an example by being the example. Instead of dreaming of a wonderful career which satisfies your needs, try to be a better employee at your current job first.

Instead of waiting for your friends to invest their time and energy in your relationship, give them the extra time and energy yourself.

Instead of waiting for calm and peace to come into your life, why not distribute it by creating the silence and the inner balance that’s needed, to feel the peace you’ve longed for.

Feel The Energy Vibration

What it all comes down to is the energy that’s vibrating around you, is what you’ll get back.

By you deciding to give what you want to others, you’re instead tuning in to the same vibrational energy of whatever it is you’re wanting.

This works for anything you currently want in your life at this exact moment.

Not only will you get it back by you giving the exact energy out, you’ll also become much less dependent on others.

If however you give out your energy and you don’t get back what you’re wanting, then they may not be worth it.

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