It’s All About Balance And Substitution When Losing Weight

learning to eat heathierThe key to losing and regulating weight can be an arduous task, and for many a daunting one. Since we all need to eat, it comes down to substituting the unhealthy food that’s consumed, and replacing it with more healthier nutritious food. It can be that easy.

Is this the basic formula for better health which improves the quality of our lives. That combining the simplistic equation of conscientiously filling the body with nutrients, and then actively doing exercise, can spring together physical, social, and emotional benefits.

A study revealed that just one-third of all dieters are ever successful, this to lose the pounds that they’re wanting to, while being unable to maintain their ideal body weight.

It’s found that there are certain things all successful dieters do, such as weighing themselves daily, planning their meals, tracking their calorie and fat intake, while having a ritual of exercise for at least 30 minutes per day.

Those who are successful dieters are thought to be more dedicated than their counterparts, who fails to lose weight or will quickly gain it back, while being undisciplined and not have a plan.

To Lose Weight Effectively
What weight loss experts advise is that to stay fit, there are no short cuts or cheating, such as rewarding yourself once you lose a few pounds, as then it becomes a long and grueling process.

Those who commit themselves to genuinely wanting to lose weight, will constantly track what they eat, this by substituting their unhealthy food cravings with healthier choices.

They consume the proper amounts of carbohydrates, protein, and fat, which are the basics to good nutrition. What most popular diets will mistakenly do however, is “tag” carbohydrates and fat as culprits for weight gain.

The truth being that the body needs carbohydrates as fuel, and fat is needed for proper hormone production. What’s also true is that excessive carbohydrates can cause weight gain, as too much of it can turn into body fat.

The Consumption Of Carbohydrates
Based on their chemical structure, carbohydrates are considered either simple or complex. Unwanted weight gain can be prevented, this by favoring complex carbohydrates along with simple sugars, this instead of processed simple carbohydrates which lacks nutrients.

Most nutritionists consider complex carbohydrates as being the good carbs, as they’ll digest slower in the body, while being rich in vitamins, fiber, and minerals.

Vegetables and whole grain products such as bread, pasta, and beans are “good” carbs, because they’ll metabolize slower due to their dense fiber content, while not causing a sudden spike in blood sugar levels.

Avoid Simple Carbohydrates
Simple carbohydrates are considered the “bad carbs,” as these refined carbs will pass immediately from the stomach directly into the intestines.

This process leads to unwanted weight gain while usually causing a rise in blood sugar levels. Simple carbohydrates also leaves individuals feeling tired, grumpy, and hungry. These carbs are usually found in processed foods such as sodas and cakes.

The Role Of Protein
Too much or too little protein intake can have an adverse effect on health. This macro-nutrient is considered critical because of their composition of amino acids, which the body needs to repair muscles, while producing hormones, enzymes, and other tissue.

What not enough protein results in is fatigue and sluggishness. The reason being that most food sources which contains protein includes iron along with other essential minerals, which provides energy.

Too much protein however, can strain the liver and the kidneys, as these organs will be forced to work harder to remove the excess nitrogen wastage that’s derived from the high protein foods.


What prolonged stress in these body parts can do is eventually lead to kidney and liver disorders. Too much protein can also cause osteoporosis in the aging.

The Role Of Fat
What fat does is plays a major role when it comes to maintaining better health. It’s also thought that fat is bad for you. While there are certain fats which are harmful, it’s the “good” fats which helps in preventing heart disease and other illness.

The good fats are needed to absorb certain vitamins and minerals, while helping in maintaining a healthy immune system. Good fats are also essential when it comes to hormone production such as testosterone.

Unsaturated fats can help in reducing bad cholesterol, while protecting the cardiovascular system against disease. This type of beneficial fat is found in fresh fish, avocados, nuts, and olive oil.

Bad fats such as saturated fat are found in processed milk, cheese, ice cream, and animal products. Trans-fat are fats which are manufactured through a process known as hydrogenation, which turns liquid oil into solids.

Foods which contains high trans-fat includes popcorn, chips, cookies, margarine, and fried fast food. Unsaturated fats are always preferred over trans-fats or saturated fats.

The Importance Of Exercise
There are undisputed studies which shows that regular physical activity promotes elevated self-esteem, while reducing the symptoms of stress and anxiety, this especially for those who may be suffering from such emotional disorders.

Anyone who participates in any type of physical fitness, does is releases endorphins, which is the substance in the body which acts as a natural pain-killer.

What endorphins does is helps promote relaxation, the chemical that’s responsible for producing the well known “runner’s high.”

What research shows is that for those who exercises regularly, has more energy and confidence, this compared to those who are inactive.

The Best Diet
So forget about all those diet fads and trends, as the simple equation for sustainable weight loss is eating the right foods and exercising.

The key is just substituting all the bad foods with good foods, while having a balance between work, leisure time, rest, and exercise.

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