How The Power Of The Mind Can Heal Ailments In The Body

There’s a link once you direct your brain a certain way, which commands the way your body reacts and feels. Just as some are able to use their body to reduce psychological distress and turmoil, it’s also possible to use the power of the mind, to improve the health of the body.

It begins with changing the way of thinking, becoming more aware and taking charge of what occupies the mind.

This has proven to improve your physical health, along with mental well-being.

Although the power of positive thinking can’t cure everything, know a healthy mindset and body are united through thick and thin.

The Mind Rules All

The mind is an extremely powerful tool, and depending on how you choose to utilize it, it can be used to your best advantage, become your best asset.

It can also be your worst enemy, as it can conspire against you, as at times you may get delusional if you allow it to.

The key becomes to training your brain, to help your body perform at its maximum peak. What everyone has if they choose to, is the ability to build strong mental strength.

What it comes down to is doing a series of mental exercises, and with practice, it’s proven to be the key towards living a longer healthier happier life.

Believe The Treatment Works

There are countless case studies by using placebo instances, how effective just believing a certain cure works, which can heal the body and mind.

If someone of authority tells you taking this “magic” pill will cure your pounding headache, you’re more than likely to find the treatment more effective, even if it’s just a sugar pill.

Say for instance you’re using physical therapy to improve a wonky knee, or you’re visiting a chiropractor for lower back pain.

Just the belief you actually think the treatment can work, is often more effective than the actual treatment itself.

So whatever ails you, whatever bodily hurt you may have, before you undergo any type of treatment for cure, think of the reasons. Think how the treatment you’re about to receive, is likely to help.

Have A Gratitude Journal

If you have trouble sleeping, struggle with insomnia, what’s proven to work is starting a gratitude journal, and contributing to it.

This is thought to be the best cure, for getting sound sleep rather than taking a pill.

This is based on studies which has linked gratitude, by being thankful, to contributing towards a better quality longer lasting deeper sleep.


So before going to bed, identify at least three things you were grateful for during the day, and then concisely write them into the journal.

Conjuring up feelings of why you’re thankful right before falling asleep, does is increases the chances of a soothing natural rest.

Focus On Your Purpose In Life

Feeling you have a strong sense of purpose in life where others depend on you, can increase the quality and the length of your life.

What various studies confirm, is those who genuinely believe their lives are meaningful, are more than likely to live bolder healthier longer lives.

This could be your work that gives you purpose, or when finding meaning when volunteering at the local food shelter. Believe what you do matters, and makes a difference.

Feeling you have a reason to do something, a valid reason to get out of bed every morning, is one of the keys to longevity.

Being Optimistic Boosts Immunity

What’s known is eternally optimistic people, aren’t as likely to get sick as those who always dwell on doom and gloom.

The reason being anyone who’s mindful of their life in general, are more likely to take better care of themselves. They are more aware of their surroundings, while nurturing their health.

There’s verified clinical proof, having a healthy hopeful outlook in life, is actually what fortifies immunity.

What looking at the positive, on the bright side of things does is makes you less likely to catch colds or infections.

The biological reason being, what being optimistic does is keeps the cells in the immune system performing at its peak levels.

Meditation Slows Down The Aging Process

What meditation does is provides a buffer, a deterrent against the harmful effects of stress and anxiety, which can negatively affect the body.

Numerous studies have shown what positive effects meditation has, as it slows down the rate of cellular aging.

Not only does meditation help you look and think more youthful, what it also does is helps ward off the ravages of all those dreaded old age related diseases.

Researchers firmly believe, teaching children at a young age to meditate, provides lifelong benefits.

Regardless of what age you are, or what state of mind or health you’re currently at, it’s never too late to start meditating, to recapture back health.

Build Muscle By Visualizing Working Out

Imagine if you could actually get your body physically stronger, by just mentally visualizing lifting weights.

As outlandish as this may sound, what research constantly proves, is having strong mental imagery, can actually help you to gain muscle, without lifting a finger.

There was one case study in particular, which found those who visualized themselves working out, actually physically experienced a 12% percent gain in muscle strength.

Although those who actually physically lift weights obviously realize better results, what documented research shows, is mental imagery training can help increase muscle mass.

Laughter Reduces Risk Of Heart Disease

If you’re wanting to lower your heart rate and blood pressure, while improving your cardiovascular system, think about something that’s funny, then laugh out loud.

What research shows, is it’s laughter that decreases the stress hormones, while increasing the good cholesterol, which naturally reduces artery inflammation.

This is why laughter is often said to be the best medicine, and its positive effects can usually last for hours.

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