Make Plans Set Goals And Take Action To Get What You Want

Every new turn, a new month, a New Year, another revolution of a birthday does is it offers the opportunity for a new beginning, a fresh new start. Yet each day you wake up, it still feels the same, you go through the same routine expecting different results.

There’s something that’s different about milestones, which becomes new and revives hope. That somehow, this time, you’ll finally begin what you’ve been promising yourself to do.

What you make are new plans, construct new beginnings, all in the hopes to improve your life.

This Thing Called Life

These new promises however, we rarely keep once life interferes, we get distracted and our ambition fades. Most goals you want to get done, then goes on the back burner.

There are too many people who lives an unfulfilled life, their dreams and their expectations shattered, by themselves or from the discouragement of others.

So make this your time, your destiny. This is the year you’ll do things differently.

Set goals in your life and meet them. Accomplish in your life whatever it is you’ve always wanted to do. Do things differently to make an impact.

As with anything in life, it’s taking a series of proven steps, taking risks, and there’s no better time than starting right now.

Have Specific Detailed Goals

You need to specify exactly what you’re wanting to do, to achieve, a blueprint on what exact success you want. Write these down clearly and concisely, in quantitative terms.

Write about a new job, getting a new romance, starting a new business. Take the time and effort to write them down precisely on paper, detailed exactly what you’re wanting to do.

Discuss how doing so will make your life more fulfilled. Be as detailed as possible in listing what you want.

Then provide a road map of all the surrounding circumstances and events around it, when attempting to accomplish that goal.

Know All The Obstacles

Identify all of the obstacles, the barriers which are currently standing in your way from reaching success, so you can make plans to overcome them, avoid, or go around them.

Realize reasons why you weren’t able to achieve this goal in the past. What obstacles got in the way. It could be a variety of reasons such as poor health, lack of ambition or finances.

There was something which prevented you from doing whatever it was you intended to do. Write down what they were. What writing things down does is it cements commitment in your brain.

Don’t intently focus on them but rather identify them, so you develop a plan to overcome what’s required. Most often, you won’t achieve what you want because you weren’t prepared properly.


Find Those Who Can Help

List those in your current life who can help you in your journey in some way. List those who you want to tell about your plans, those who are your personal stakeholders.

These are those who are concerned about your welfare or have a stake somehow in what you do.

They could possibly provide support or push you once you get distracted. Activate them into your plans. Identify what your own personal strengths and weaknesses are.

Know what you’re good at. Knowing what you do well helps progress your journey, while also knowing what your limitations are.

For instance, if you procrastinate, then don’t beat yourself up about it, but instead work on improving it.

Be aware you’ve procrastinated in the past, and then make it a deliberate awareness not to do so again.

Guidelines For Your Success

Identify and establish your guidelines and criteria for success. If you don’t get, reach exactly what you want, then accept that an alternate goal will suffice.

What is it that matters the most to you. If you do happen to get that new job or start a new business, and everything is going great, good for you. But if there are setbacks, are you ready for them.

Be specific on what your priorities are, and list them in advance so you’ll know what to expect.

Formulate A Plan

Make a clear precise step-by-step plan, for exactly what you’re wanting and are willing to do, when you’ll do it, and who will help you. Then estimate how much each step will take or cost.

Instead of randomly saying “In a few months I’ll have my dream job,” set a firm goal, the exact date.

Then back it up by determining what you’ll need to do every day, every week, and each month, all this in advance to meet that goal.

For instance. keep your resume updated, research the companies you’d like to work for, network with those who can help you.

Make sure you’re qualified and are capable of reaching that goal or the job of choice.

Determine exactly what you need to do and then write them down. Input all of the significant details in your calendar.

Make sure the step-by-step plan is feasible, and more importantly achievable.

Most plans will get derailed because they’re not realistic or detailed enough. So make sure you take the time to break them down into concise doable steps.

Format these steps so you can make a little bit of progress each day, and then each week.

Have A Plan Of Action

What you need is to develop a feasible plan of attack, and take the appropriate actions to execute them.

Take the steps necessary to set you on that path, to reaching your goals successfully.

Once you know where you’re going, and can precisely lay it out, and dedicate a keen focus on each step along the way. Then the chances of reaching your goals become real.

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