Why You Should Stop Expecting Anyone To Help You

What we do is place ourselves through unnecessary turmoil, by putting unrealistic expectations on others, more than ourselves. Although what we all want is basic word when it comes to our relationships, such as mutual respect, counting on anyone to help us can lead to disappointment.

Keep in mind everyone is at a completely different physical and mental state in their life journey than you are. What they say and do confirms that.

Everyone right now is currently fighting through a problem you know nothing about, so give them a break and lend them sympathy.

They may not be in a position to help you, let alone they helping themselves out.

To develop a better more successful happier open relationship with others, it becomes imperative not to expect anything from anyone.

They similar to you, are living in their own bubble, and you are only a fragment of it.

Never Expect Anyone To Change

The ethics of others always differ from yours based on numerous factors, such as their upbringing, spiritual beliefs, culture, religion, etc.

For instance, because of your upbringing you rarely swear, but a coworker of yours was raised by a boatload of sailors, so they swear profusely. Does that make the person wrong.

To some it does matter, but expecting them to change because of you, it won’t happen. You’ll just become disappointed, since what’s right or wrong in their world compared to yours, isn’t defined.

So just focus on sticking to your own moral standards and agenda. Allow others to live their life as they choose, provided it doesn’t physically harm you or those you care about.

Realize No One’s Perfect

You’ll never become disappointed once you start to expect imperfection. What most will do is give others a hard time whenever they make a mistake, making them feel like a failure, placing strain on the relationship.

What everyone should be discouraged from is becoming perfectionists. Compulsive obsessive behavior is a condition of wanting everything perfect, which only leads to anxiety, chronic disease and intense moodiness.

So allow for mistakes, make mistakes yourself and make sure you learn from them. There’s always a lesson to be learned. Think how boring life would be if no one ever made blunders. We’d be living a world full of cold autonomic pedestrians.

You Always Won’t Agree

You’ll rarely agree with what everyone says, especially those who are the closest to you. So there’s no point getting upset once someone challenges you, disagrees or if they have a contrary opinion.

The world would be a mundane existence if everyone agrees with everything you say or did. It’s our unique beliefs and perspectives which allows the human race to evolve and prosper.

Think what would happen if we all agreed with every decision that was made, regarding how we should live our lives, and we dared to challenge the mainstream.


No One Knows What You’re Thinking

While some might have better intuition that’s finely tuned than others, most just have a distorted sense or idea what other people are thinking. They’re more concerned about the chatter in their own mind.

Just because you might be more sensitive than others, doesn’t make you a psychic and place you on the same telepathic wave length with them.

Not everyone wants or cares to know what you think, let alone predict it, so don’t expect them to. Just learn to communicate better and be more transparent and honest.

Catch Yourself When You Fall

Good friends along with a stable family will help you in times of need. But don’t always expect or count on them to constantly pick you up every time you stumble and fall.

They’re living their own life fighting their own internal battles, ones that might be more difficult than yours. So you can’t expect them to carry the weight of their problems and yours at the same time.

Understand why someone might not want to help you right now if you ask, as they might be preoccupied with their own issues. Why should they drop everything every time you call.

If someone doesn’t answer you right away, doesn’t mean they’ve abandoned you or are ignoring you. It means you need to fight your own battles on your own sometimes.

Why Some Will Never Understand You

Not everyone is going to understand your journey in life, because it’s not theirs to understand let alone fight for you.

As long as you understand what you’re going through yourself, you shouldn’t feel the need for anyone else to.

Once someone says they don’t have a clue what you’re doing or talking about, they don’t “get” your drift, why should they.

They Treat You Indifferently

Not everyone is going to treat you with respect. Not everyone is going to like you. We don’t live in a perfectly aligned world. Not everyone is going to respond to your every whim.

Until the entire human race gets on the same wavelength consciously, some will treat you poorly.

View their behavior from a compassionate viewpoint, as it’s never about you, but more about how miserable their current life is.

Everyone has their own demons to tame, so treat those who appears in distress as kindly as possible.

People Change And Move On

People are constantly changing based on their circumstances and experiences. On any given day, they might be battling the greatest struggle of their life, and you’re just a nuisance to them.

This is what’s dominating their life and it’s not about you, so keep this in mind once someone snaps back at you on occasion. Never judge them on that moment.

Love everyone regardless of what or who they’ve become, even if you don’t recognize them any longer, or they don’t match your ideals.

Stop Expecting Others To Be Perfect

Life is unpredictable. Some will take longer to reach the same level of consciousness you may be on. Not everyone is going to get their “stuff” together, so show empathy as they’re doing the best they can.

Just bring more value to the world, your contribution to all your relationships, and never try to control or criticize others on how they handle their lives.

Never Expect The Love Back

Every relationship begins and ends with you, so love yourself first, love yourself intently if you’re wanting this love to come back to you somehow.

If you shower others with love, yet they don’t give it back immediately, don’t think it’s an insincere relationship.

Be careful who you fall in love with. Make sure they’re looking for love and not for help, sympathy or handouts.

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