Simplicity And Ease Is The Key To Success On Pinterest

pinterest is one of the most popular social sharing sites on the internetSo there you are sipping your latte when someone says, “Hey, have you heard about that Pinterest site, my friends and I are completely addicted to it.” “Yes, I know a few who are totally hooked on it, as well,” someone else says. “A friend of mine even has her mom using it, yet she doesn’t have a clue what a Twitter is.” Intrigued, you begin finding out what this Pinterest thing is all about.

Investors, venture capitalists, Internet marketers, and the tech savvy industrialist all cannot understand how and why Pinterest suddenly became so big, so quickly. The concept itself is embarrassingly simple, the idea is to post (pin) your favorite images or videos on a virtual scrap board wall, which isn’t anything new on the Internet.

Facebook’s Newsfeed, for instance, allows you to post as many images as you want, while Google Images allows you to search for and find images based on keywords. So why then is there such an attraction to Pinterest.

Pinterest To Stardom
Pinterest is rising quicker than what Facebook ever did. As a result, venture capitalists recently invested an additional $27 million into further developing the site, this just months after it’s previous round of financing. It’s pretty obvious that Pinterest is the next billion dollar baby on the Internet, yet most don’t understand why.

Pinterest hit a deep and craving nerve when it comes to Internet surfers. They hit pay dirt, primarily by keeping their concept as simple as possible. What they did was ignite the fuse and it exploded into one of the fastest growing sites on the Internet. The timing was perfect when they captured exactly what their users wanted to do, which is the essence of their success.

Copy Click Paste Create
Known as curation, better defined as borrowing or copying, the users of Pinterest are able to instantly creating their own content, usually found elsewhere on the Web, and are doing so at an unprecedented rate.

The difference with using the other major social media networks, such as Twitter or Facebook, is that the poster is required to be as unique as possible to be engaging and getting noticed. They need to develop their own content to post on these sites.

With Pinterest, it doesn’t matter. Users need not to put on their thinking caps on and develop new or unique ways of posting material. There’s no thinking required at all, which is the genius of their strategy. The main principle action of Pinterest is to copy, paste, share (repin) and recopy whatever you like.

Pinterest is all about capturing and then collecting various images and photos, usually off your digital camera or smartphone, hard drive, or the Internet, and then posting these pics on your Pinterest board.

What the site does is it taps back into your childhood, back to Elementary School, the Creative Arts class, activating your instincts of searching, gathering, posting, and then getting the approval of others.

What we like to do is collect things which make us feel good about ourselves, and we like that others like them as well. Pinterest is similar to that old shoebox you had as a child, tucked safely under your bed, it containing your favorite pictures, knickknacks, and secret letters.

So what Pinterest does is it replaces this comfort. You’re able to bookmarklet, “re-pin,” and invite others to add to or share your collection of images.

Pinterest Boards
What Pinterest users do is they collect their photos and save them on their “boards,” categorized based on themes or interests, whatever they like. This “pack-rat” mentality which is in all of us, prompts us to collect, while saving and sharing images of: fashion, interior design, funny photos, recipes, etc.

But during this process of online hoarding and categorizing, Pinterest users are also creating their own content. They do so by simply clicked on a few images that they like and can identify with.

We’re now living in a state where everything on the Internet is infinity shared, copied, curated, from somewhere else. What you collect and share with others become extremely exciting and valuable.

Keeping It Simple
All what Pinterest wants you to do is just follow a few easy steps: consume information on the Internet, create a board, and then share this content with your friends. The more users that follow this simple task, the quicker Pinterest reaches their business objectives.

Pinterest has managed to make this as easy, mindless, and as fun as possible. There’s no actual thinking process which goes into this for you to participate, which is exactly their objective.


So Just Go Ahead And Start Pinning
It’s human nature that we take the path to least resistance. So we look at images, or watch videos, since it’s the most easiest on our brains. These mediums are easier to process and understand than reading an article, for instance.

What a site like Twitter does is the makes you think too much. It demands you to concisely write your thoughts in 140 characters or less, and it has to make sense. But getting the same message across to the masses by showing a picture is a lot easier, allowing users to consume and process information a lot quicker.

So Share Your Pictures
The success which is Pinterest is it serves and satisfies our desire to capture, collect, and share information. The site makes the consuming, creating, and the distribution process easier than ever before.

While doing so, what Pinterest is doing is quietly collecting valuable consumer information on their users. They’re effectively assembling behavioral information and creating a framework to predict exactly what these consumers want, like, or dislike. This data is collecting a complete profile of what your habits are, all without you even realizing it.

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