Projections Of Failure The Plight Of The Bumbling Entrepreneur

becoming an entrepreneurThe intent is to succeed in business. The freedom and the empowerment of doing your own thing. Not needing to listen to anyone by dictating your time while ruling how much you earn. This on paper sounds perfect. Everyone wants to see theirs or any business flourish.

To become an entrepreneur, where one will dedicate massive elbow grease, sweat, and tears, wants it to instantly bloom. But realize that 82% percent of all new business ventures will fail miserably within its first few years, and the reason always isn’t a …

Developing The Cutting Edge Ruthless Drive Of An Entrepreneur

becoming an entrepreneurAre you a rebel, highly opinionated, and at times loud mouthed. Do you seek the thrill of risk, change, constantly eager to try out the next new thing, venture. You despise the idea of security, becoming a victim of corporate culture.

Are you fiercely independent, who’s able handle the uncertainty which comes with being responsible for your own financial survival. To face a brave new world on your own. These are the most common traits of being an entrepreneur. Do you have it in you, do you have what it …

Take The Survey Do You Possess The Traits Of A Leader

do you show the traits of a leaderYou most likely realize by now that when attempting to achieve any level of success, it’s usually what you don’t do, rather than what you do.

If you query any accomplished entrepreneur or executive, they’ll tell you it can be as simple as being focused on the single task at hand, and being consistent, which are the keys to their success as a leader.

Most will see this as a foundation to build upon, but the temptation of attempting to do more, or giving in to distraction, is what …

How And Why Entrepreneurs Differ From Small Business Owners

how entrepreneurs are different from small business ownersYou would think that Entrepreneurs and small business owners are one of the same. Aren’t they cut from the same pattern, the need for self independence while displaying leadership skills.

Experts are realizing, however, that the majority of small business owners are not able to truly identify and transform their actions, much like entrepreneurs are able to do.

This because the majority of the individuals who began their small businesses, pretty much remain stagnant in progression from where they originally began, and haven’t improved or expanded at all. This as …

Characteristics You Should Have To Be An Effective Entrepreneur

Before a doctor diagnoses a specific disease, his patient must undergo a series of laboratory exams and assessments. He has to know the history of his patient and how lifestyle affected his present health problem. As results come in, that would be an indication of the time when a physician gives specific drugs and therapies for maintenance. This will eventually contribute to the level of optimum health for that individual. If all else fails, the process will be repeated again.

Similar to what the above mentioned situation has stated, an …