The Latest New And Improved Research On What May Cause Acne

how to rid of blemishesAcne breakouts are horrifying, as they’ll appear at the most inopportune times in the most unfortunate places on the face or body. The biggest antagonist of the skin, which shouts to the world that you’re unhealthy and a prisoner reduced to having a poor immune.

The last thing you want is a face full of pimples. Don’t fret as constant research is placed into the core causes of acne. There are unfortunately unresolved results or conflicting information on the exact biological reasons, why these germs attack under the skin.

Most conclude that it’s the common foods we eat, but the same foods don’t have the same effect on everyone who gets acne. Milk chocolate might attack one person, while cheese or rich ice cream may cause breakout in another.

Isolate Particular Foods
Everyone responds differently to certain types of known “culprit” foods, as what’s been narrowed down are specific types of foods which are known to cause a reaction. So it becomes your duty to identify which trigger foods you should avoid.

The best way is eliminating a couple food groups at a time, such as dairy or fried foods, and then tracking if they have any effect on the clarity of your skin.

Dastardly Dairy
What’s found is a link between dairy such as cheese and acne breakouts. There are certain foods which triggers your body to produce the hormone insulin, which helps your cells to absorb sugar.

During the day, if you elevate your blood sugar higher by eating too much sugary foods, what results is you having too much insulin circulating inside your bloodstream. Foods which contain dairy accelerates this.

Cheap Chocolate
Processed chocolate is usually blamed for acne, but it won’t literally cause the break out. There’s not enough evidence showing that chocolate, or any other specific fatty confectionery foods causes acne.

What’s known however is that a constant high-sugar and high-fat diet does is increases sebum production, which causes an inflammatory response in the body, which can potentially lead to acne.

Although there’s not enough evidence that a diet that’s high in sugars and fatty foods will cause inflammation, but the correlation exists, compared to those who has a diet high of fresh foods such as fruits and vegetables.

Spicy Foods
Some will blame spicy foods such as red chili contributes to acne. However, the evidence remains inconclusive, that the active ingredients in spicy foods does so.

Dermatologists will claim what’s more likely is cosmetics, fluctuating hormones, and genetics, which may be more responsible than hot spice.

French Fries
What some don’t realize is how eating fast fatty foods, can reemerge on their skin as a blemish. The reason being that foods which are soaked with cheap fat, such as fries, needs to resolve in the body somehow.

Acne isn’t a direct response to the foods consumed, but the plate of fries and gravy needs to travel through the digestive system, then attempt to break down into vitamins and nutrients.

It can then be easily absorbed by the body and turned into energy. However, what cheap greasy foods does is triggers a counter hormonal response, which may cause acne.

Pimples will appear once the connective sebaceous glands and the skin becomes clogged up with excessive oil, debris, cells, caused by the bad fats, which leaves it vulnerable for bacteria and yeast to inflame the pores.

Peanut Butter
In the quest to isolate certain foods, peanut butter has been investigated as a potential cause of acne outbreaks. What’s known is that despite breakouts, what many will do is eat these comfort foods that they like, regardless.


Most believe that it’s their diet which is directly linked to frequent breakouts, while topical makeup, stress and anxiety may be secondary reasons. What’s known for certain are certain foods will create hormonal imbalances.

Sushi… Really?
What’s known is that a high glycemic diet does is raises insulin levels, and one of the reasons that’s associated with the frequency or the severity of acne related breakouts.

The reason being that increased levels of insulin encourages the inflammatory response, which triggers the release of the acne promoting hormones.

So a study was launched to pinpoint those foods which are considered highly glycemic, such as white rice, and if one’s diet consists of eating a lot of white rice, may be causing the acne.

The aftereffect is that the increased insulin release can result in acne, as it has no where else to go. The glycemic index of white sushi rice is extremely high.

A 1/2 cup serving of cooked sushi grade white rice has a glycemic index rating of around 19, where 20 or above is considered highly glycemic.

Convenience Snacks
We know that it’s the activation of certain hormonal responses which can trigger acne breakouts. Teens constantly breakout because their androgen hormones usually spikes in hyper adolescents.

What’s triggered are the sebaceous glands to enlarge, which produces excess oils that clogs the pores, and then forms into pimples.

There are other hormonal factors caused by ones diet, such as eating fat laden processed foods, which can have the same result, and can compound the severity of the acne in the young.

So in times of acne, avoid foods which are high in dairy or carbohydrates, as they’ll increase insulin production. Isolate carbs such as white bread, crackers, potato chips, bakery products, and ice cream.

More Milk
This is a trap since milk is assumed as healthy, yet it’s suspected of causing acne, although there are contradictory arguments against it.

The key is eliminating certain food groups such as dairy, this to flush out how your body reacts. Avoid different types of highly glycemic foods, as what they affect are the insulin hormones, which ends up as acne.

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