5 Strategies To Win At Everything In Life

Life is full of surprises, it’s all about the ups and downs we experience. It will on occasion hit us sideways, broadside us out of left field, leaving us devastated. As the saying goes, if anything can go wrong it will.

Once things do happen to go bad, your day doesn’t go quite as planned, it can throw you off balance. The unexpected will throw you in a tailspin, as you begin to doubt yourself.

All we want is things in our life to go well, things will turn out okay and in our favor. We want to come out as “winners,” to come out ahead. But life as we know, always isn’t fair and some things can’t be justified.

Bad things can and do happen to everyone, good people and bad people. What life will constantly do, is throw us unforeseen curve balls, constantly challenging us, so we need to cope somehow.

What we know, is we can’t always control everything that happens to us in our lives, nor should we try. After all, It’s not what happens to us, but more how we react that’s more important.

5.) – Know Your Strengths

What we’ll do is constantly contradict ourselves, this usually based on our mood, the type of day we’re having. Sometimes we’re happy, at times we feel sad, often hopeful, usually pessimistic.

We at times act childish by default when we’re unsure, when we should be acting more mature.

What we’ve been creating, developing and realizing since our childhood, is our strengths and our weaknesses of our personality.

This affects what we do, and how we react to something new or different. What we’ll also do, is focus more on our weaknesses rather than our strengths.

Our strengths are the things in our life we consistently do well, things we have mastered by repetition. It’s someone we’ve perfected, and have become hardwired in our brains, becoming habits.

What focusing on what we do well instead of knowing what we’re bad at, also makes sense. Once we focus on what we do poorly, we begin to feel bad about ourselves and our abilities.

But once we play to our strengths, we become confident as we know we’re almost guaranteed positive results.

4.) – Overcoming Our Weaknesses

There are many for instance, who’s intimidated when it comes to public speaking, and consider it a weakness. But what their job requires is they make presentations to large groups of people.

So what then develops is extreme anxiety, as they break into a cold sweat, begin to stutter, and forget their points when it’s time to talk.

What they don’t focus on is their positives, such as they having dynamic social skills, an awesome presence and aura, especially when talking to someone one-on-one.

They don’t take into account, they can establish tremendous rapport, while displaying a fantastic sense of humor.


By using these personal strength signals, they can be used as a bridge to connect more fluidly with every person in the audience,

They can then visualize their delivery of their presentation better, like they’re speaking to just one person. What doing so does, is they’re using their strengths to overcome their weaknesses.

3.) – Preparing Ahead Of Time

There are times when we can just go full speed ahead into something, be brilliant, and get the exact results we’re wanting and hoping for, this by usually playing to our strengths.

But then there are those other times, when we hit snags and might blunder as we just wing it, and not get the results we were hoping for.

Whatever challenges or opportunities we may be facing, we stand a much better chance of getting the results we want, if we plan for success ahead of time.

What we have is a need to know exactly what we’re wanting to happen. What solution or outcome that would be the most beneficial for us.

What we want is to get extremely precise on the outcome of what we’re facing. What we want is to know how it would feel to get the exact result we want.

What we then should do is begin breaking it down, and set things up in a way how we want the actual desired outcome to occur.

What needs to be focused on, is what should occur to make it happen, which ensures the best outcome, and what we’re willing to do about it.

Whatever we’re facing, it’s possible to get the results we want, this by being completely clear about what we’re wanting, while putting forth the effort into actually setting things up, so it will happen.

The odds then increases, that we’ll get what we want, this because we’re planning ahead of time.

2.) – There’s No Such Thing As Losing

What we need to prioritize and decide, is what our life is really about. It could be getting a good paying job we love, getting married and having kids, buying a house, feeling valued by our friends, having fun.

What’s known for certain, is that this list is different for everyone.

So what it ultimately boils down to, is just doing the best we can on doing the things we like.

To do the best for ourselves, and for those we care about the most. At times it’s a struggle, but most of the time it’s fun.

What’s a constant, is our capacity to develop and grow. What we humans have is an unparalleled thirst to learn and adapt, and is the reason why we try, give our best effort when we want something.

1.) – Do Things One Day At A Time

This is the reason why everything we do, takes us one step closer, once we do one task at a time, and the reason why we’ve evolved the way we have.

We constantly try yet rarely give up, until we finally get it right. It could be our first attempt, or our 50th attempt.

The key is to not get discouraged, by adopting the belief every failed attempt brings us one notch closer to success.

What we constantly learn is another way to NOT do something, and promise to get it right the next time.

That we’ll never get to 100% percent, without starting from the beginning, and gradually work ourselves to the 20% mark, then 50% and then 99%.

All we can do, whether it turns out or not, is there’s a life lesson to be learned some place, somehow. What all this means is it’s just part of the process.

That everything we’re doing and learning, is an important step towards growing and going forward. So there’s no such thing as losing, as it’s all about learning and adapting.

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