Why Being Passive Aggressive Is A Poor Personality Trait

Those who are passive aggressive usually has an ulterior motive, and can’t always be trusted. They cast doubt, they have a certain disposition about them because of their unpredictability. A deliberate aura of uncertainty, rather than being transparent.

They can appear somewhat aloof, uncertain of themselves, be frustrating to deal or talk with once confronting them. They’re constantly defensive, when faced with controversy.

What they do, most often on purpose, is slyly manipulate others, with acts of discreet yet deliberate indirect behaviour.

They do so rather than being direct and …

Top 10 Ways To Make A Good First Impression

What we often see are certain individuals who are always cool calm and collected, and wonder how they can be so. They carry themselves with grace, which makes their aura glow.

They’re someone everyone wants to be, and someone everybody want’s to be with. That’s their first impression, which can be difficult to forgot and remains intact.

It becomes vital for yourself to mindfully create the best impression you can, which will become permanently imprinted in memory.

Making a good first impression involves being mindfully aware of knowing how to …

How To Refine Conversation In The Company Of Others

One of the ultimate goals for which a human exists, is to socially excel in the company of others. To talk and be talked about fluently and fluidly. Conversation is what makes you distinct, this in the drawing room and centre stage at the scene of your party.

When in the company of those you prefer, whomever you meet all should be treated with equal respect.

It’s those who has similar interests, having something in common, which dictates attraction towards one other, which magnetizes varying degrees of attention.

It’s considered …

Ways How You Can Become A More Likeable Person In Life

Everyone knows someone who they have a difficult time liking, because of their annoying or at times sour disposition. This person easily offends, comes across as aloof or cold hearted. They’re rude, has a big ego, as their aura of smugness precedes them. There’s not many who likes this person.

Now contrast that with someone you know, who you and everyone else who happens to meet them, instantly adores them. They’re extremely accommodating to get along with.

What they have, is a pleasant outgoing friendly agreeable personality. What is it …

How To Become More Popular By Telling Captivating Stories

There are words coming out of your mouth but your audience is nonresponsive, as what you’re unable to tell is a captivating awe inspiring story. What will make you popular and sought after beyond first impressions, is your ability to tell an interesting yarn.

This could be an evening out with friends or family, entertaining that new ravishing date, chit-chatting with a coworker or your hair dresser.

Being able to tell an interesting story is an accelerating way to pass the time, while impressing your listener with your astute and …