Why A Blog Remains An Important Cog For Your Business

why you need to continue having a blogMaintaining a blog is considered as important as ever in this world of social media, where one may think posting 140 character announcements on Twitter or publishing short posts on Facebook is the best route to take.

Not to discount the punch that social media has, as it’s proven to be an excellent method for online broadcasting which shouldn’t be ignored.

But it’s found that blogging continues to serve a wide range of purposes which social media can’t reach.

When the concept of blogs first hit the Internet, they became the core method of publication which initially revolved social media, as they advised or informed their readers with updates and current news.

Businesses and marketers then began to routinely blog about their new product releases, their specials, industry specific news, and everything else associated with their business which they wanted to inform to their readers.

But businesses began the shift from burdensome blogging to focus more on the quicker, easier, and the convenience of social media, thinking it may be more effective.

What they fail to realize, however, is that they may be missing out on a huge opportunity. The purpose of blogging remains a source where a reader is searching for additional much more detailed information, something that a generalized social media site can’t provide.

What a blog provides is an important bridge between the customer and the business.

So What Then To Blog About
So what does the most successful of bloggers blog about on a daily basis. Eventually, at some point, you’d think they’d run out of steam, content, and ideas.

So listed are a few techniques extracted from these experienced bloggers on keeping your blog fresh:

Write About Current News Events Which Are Trendy – It should be considered your duty as a business owner to remain relevant in your industry, keep on trend. Then take the opportunity to be a resource and authority in your field for such information, as you provide your take and opinion on the events

Write Reviews About New Products Or Services – There are always new changes in every industry and markets as well as their related areas. For instance, while an update on a software program may not directly impact what you offer, but it’s somewhat related to your company while impacting your readers

Pay Attention To Twitter And Google Trends – Keep an eye on what the industry leaders are doing, tweeting, writing, or talking about. Keep on top of what’s generating interest and then blog about it. Make sure that it’s timely and trendy and not on a specific event which will soon be forgotten

How To Attract New Visitors To Your Blog
When you’re blogging for your current readers, you’ll eventually realize that you really no longer need to post daily trivial updates or sales on the blog, this since you could use social media for that.

What your blog can provide instead is an opportunity to reinforce your authority in your industry while proving you can be a trusted source. You can also go outside of your core niche while still remaining in related fields.

For instance, if your blog is about restaurant reviews, or critiquing popular recipes from famous chefs, you can keep your visitors updated on their daily specials by embedding a “Daily Deals” widget on your site.

Your blog is where you should be building authority. You’ll most likely convert or generate revenue somewhere else on your site, but your blog is where you should be reinforcing your credibility which should turn into conversions.


Blogging Just For Link Sake
What blogging does is it gives you the opportunity to create relevant pages which are related to your specific business niche, which includes timely or trendy information rather than promoting the sales cycle.

Your main corporate site is what should be tailored towards getting these visitors into the sales funnel. But on your blog, what you need to offer is more latitude, so you can create copy which is more information-based.

The blog is also where you can generate valuable internal link points, this based on providing “in-demand” information of interest or trend. The ideal link points back to your blog and will appear once someone searches for specific niche information, and then finds your blog.

They can also land on your blog from social media or other means. They’ll decide that it’s valuable enough information and will post a link on their own site as a resource. The majority of these links will and should be generated manually.

So what this does is it poses the question, which link will be appreciated a lot more by your readers, a link to your main homepage, or a link direct to an article which is posted on your blog.

Why Linking Remains Important
To take it a step forward, if you’re able to find a site which has industry authority that offers excellent content, you can then directly follow the authors, then wait until someone happens to write an interesting article where you may have a differing or contrary opinion.

Then proceed to comment giving your opinion by writing a solid piece of information on the topic in the “comments” area of the article, or you can send it directly to the author themselves using social media.

You may not get a reply or a direct link back to your blog, but doing so on a regular basis will develop your reputation as an authority yourself, with the key industry writers as a valuable resource. This will eventually pay off while boosting your reputation.

What you’re wanting to do is write to attract new visitors to your blog while giving your existing ones a reason to come back. Blogging also connects with authority figures while getting valuable links back to your site.

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