Top 10 Most Common Health Food Myths Exposed

Where some opinions leads to are mythical proportions, especially on the Internet which can be right or wrong. If they sound logical, or if the information is coming from a seemingly credible source, we assume that it’s true.

But because of this myriad of information that’s bombarded from a variety of sources, there are certain health myths which can actually cause an increase in health complications.

What the leading health authorities and researchers claim is that some of these beliefs where they’ve become mythical, are often driven by certain industries who’s got a vested interest in bending a few truths, this to steer it to their advantage.

10. Bananas Are Fattening

Since bananas are so sweet, the extreme health conscious believe that they must be fattening on the belly. Not true. What one medium-sized ripe banana contains is around 105 calories.

They’re extremely good for you while being filling, this because what they contain are healthy doses of fiber, magnesium and potassium, which makes the immune system stronger.

9. Cooking Vegetables Removes Their Nutrients

What many believe is that the more raw and natural the vegetables are the better, because the belief is the cooking process will remove the nutrients in them.

This is found to be false, as the steaming, baking or cooking process when it comes to vegetables, can at times actually help the body absorb the nutrients better. However, some vegetables that are boiled, the vitamins may be stripped.

8. Frozen Fruits And Vegetables Aren’t As Nutritious

There is a myth that the fresh fruits and vegetables that are purchased off the grocers shelves, are always more nutritional than canned or frozen.

What dietitians claim is this always isn’t the case, since no one knows how long the produce has been sitting around. Although fresh fruits will taste better than frozen, what freezing doesn’t do is lose their nutrition value.