7 Natural Ways To Lose Weight Without Going On A Diet

The annual tradition becomes healthier maintenance of the body, usually to shed off a few pounds we’ve accumulated during the year, especially once the warmer weather arrives.

What’s clinically proven for anyone who wants to become healthier, is that weight loss comprises of 70% percent diet and 30% percent exercise.

Although many think their fitness levels are adequate, what’s found more valuable is having the proper mindset, being in a good mood, to have more energy, this by getting adequate sleep, and choosing to eat better.

The simple formula for weight loss is to burn off more calories, than calories consumed. Doing so sounds easy but is proving difficult to do.

Decreasing bad calorie food intake, is found a lot more effective than increasing physical activity.

7 – Your First Choice Of Beverage Should Be Water

One of the biggest sources of “hidden” calories, is found in the beverages we drink, which quickly adds up.

These can include coffee, soda, sports drinks, or having an alcoholic beverage with your meal after work.

You could be eating low calorie healthy foods, but you’re just offsetting it by drinking calorie loaded fluids.

Instead, control calorie intake better by swapping sugary drinks or a cocktail, with cool fresh water or sparking soda with no sugar.

You can spike up boring water, by adding flavors such as a slice of cucumber, orange, lemon, or lime, to give it zest.

6 – Create A Meditative Yoga Like Mindset

A key element of losing weight and staying fit, is having a positive state of mind. What experts recommend is yoga or mediation, to achieve a better mind-body connection.

What’s known is those who practices yoga tends to be happier and weights less, than those who don’t.

The reason why yoga is so significant, is not only does it keep your body active, it also gives you better overall self-awareness of your body and emotions, which helps you develop a more mindful approach to eating better.

5 – Learn To Enjoy Your Meals

Learn to train your mind and body, to eat food more slowly by regulating its intake. What some even recommend is using a timer or a stop watch.

What’s known is the reason why we get indigestion and heartburn, is because we shovel food down our throats too quickly.

Purposely eating slower, allows you to enjoy the taste of the food better, while eating smaller portions. Some diets recommend setting a timer for 20 minutes, and then stretching out the meal.


This allows you to chew, taste, and enjoy every bite. Doing so also allows the brain to register the food in the stomach, allowing it to tell you when you’re full.

4 – Cook At Home More Often

What’s constantly preached because it’s true, is if you’re wanting to consume fewer calories and control food intake, is to prepare and eat the bulk of your meals at home.

What cooking your own meals does, is places you in complete control of the ingredients you use. What dietitians recommend is eating at home at least 5 days per week, this to successfully maintain weight.

The formula for effective meal prep is by precooking lean protein, such as fish or chicken, brown rice, dried beans, quinoa, and using fresh or frozen but not canned veggies, for quick no-fuss meals.

3 – Consume More Homemade Soup

Most enjoy hearty soup as a side dish for lunch, or a starter for dinner. So instead of bread or pasta, choose homemade soup.

Make sure that it’s broth based and not cream based soup, this to avoid the extra calories the dairy contains. Always use fresh vegetables.

What dining on soup at the beginning of any meal does, is it curbs hunger, especially if eaten slowly.

So decide to make delicious soup, by using fresh tomatoes, white beans, minestrone, barley, and hearty lean beef or chicken, for protein and fiber.

2 – Start Drinking More Tea

We default to eating or drinking fatty substances when we’re nervous or bored, usually when we’re not even hungry or thirsty.

Once this occurs, decide to make a habit of drinking a nice steaming mug of green or herbal tea instead. What sipping green tea provides is a boost in metabolism, as it’s rich in catechins.

Green or herbal tea also guarantees it has zero calories, provided cream or sweetener isn’t added. During the evening, make sure you just stick with herbal tea, so sleep won’t be disrupted.

1 – Load Up On Fruits And Vegetables

For every meal, decide to bulk up on extra veggies instead of fats and starches, which will fill you up just the same, keeping you full and satisfied until your next meal.

For instance, when you prepare stir-fry or pasta, choose to use less rice or noodles, and replace them with more vegetables.

What dietitians claim is that eating more fruits and vegetables, remains the best method for shedding excess pounds.

The reason being, they’re low in calories but high in fiber and water, which fills you up with the right nutrients, resulting in consuming less junk food.

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