How To Know The Difference Between Confidence And Arrogance

There’s a fine line between those who are confident or arrogant. We live in a world of phony extroverts, a culture of those who’ll fake it until they make it. So it’s our duty to distinguish who’s the real thing, and who’s the fake. To tell those who are truly confident or just plain egotistical.

Those who lack confidence will usually spend too much of their energy, in the attempts to gain more of it. The majority also feel they have adequate confidence, while others, not so much.

It’s found when it comes to those who are genuinely confident, they don’t need to come across with an extremely over the top swagger and attitude, insisting, bragging they’re brave, bold, or beautiful.

Confidence is more of a silent trait, as what it projects is a natural expression of one’s expertise, their ability, and self regard for themselves and others.

You most likely know a few truly confident people yourself, you can pick them out. What they share are a number of similar qualities and traits.

They’d Rather Listen More Than Speak

Those who constantly brag about themselves, interrupts and talks excessively about their achievements, is a sure sign of insecurity.

Confident individuals are usually more quiet and unassuming. They know what they think, and they don’t need to broadcast it. They’re more interested in what you think.

What they’ll do is ask questions which are open ended, which gives everyone the freedom to express themselves.

All they care about is how you are, what you do, what you like, what you know and have learned. The only way they can find out is by listening more.

They Don’t Always Need To Be Right

They’re not afraid to be wrong and will admit it. Those who are ego first will take a position, their stand, and proceed to completely disregard differing opinions, criticism, or other points of view.

Those who are arrogant think they’re always right, and they need you to know it. They will argue it, even if they and the whole world knows they’re wrong.

This isn’t a sign of confidence but rather crumbling insecurity, a low self-esteem.

Those who are confident always welcomes challenge, invite being proven wrong. They’d rather seek the truth, find what’s correct rather than thinking they’re always right.

They’re Okay To Avoid The Spotlight

Those who are confident, even though they may of did the bulk of the work, or solved or overcame a major obstacle, they’re okay they don’t get all of the credit.

Such accolades doesn’t matter to truly confident people as they don’t care and won’t show it.

Deep inside, they’re extremely proud of what they did and they should be, but they don’t seek out the glory. They and most others appreciate what they’ve achieved.


They’re not looking for validation or a slap on the back from others, because they have all the true validation they need from within.

So they’ll just sit back and acknowledge their accomplishments through the glory of others.

They Praise Others At All Times

Those who like to talk a lot about themselves, enjoy gossiping about others, cowardly speak badly behind their backs, arrogantly think they’re better.

They do so because they’re hoping by comparing, that they’ll somehow make themselves stand out and look better.

The only comparison those who are truly confident make, is comparing themselves to how they were yesterday, or last week.

All that matters is if they’ve improved themselves somehow, and are becoming closer to the person they want to become.

They Admit And Fix Their Mistakes

What being insecure tends to do is it breeds an artificial persona, while those who are confident breeds honesty and sincerity. Truly confident people will always admit to and if possible fix their mistakes.

They look forward to making more mistakes and learning from them. They don’t mind being the focal point once they do error, and will often admit and laugh about it.

It doesn’t bother them if they look bad or foolish. They know if they show they’re genuine, humble and vulnerable, others will laugh with them and not at them.

They Know They Got The Goods

The majority of people feel they need to wait for a sign, wait for others to do the work for them, and if nothing happens they end up procrastinating.

They wait to get hired, promoted, wait for fate to select them, to be discovered. This is what those who lack self confidence do.

Those who are confident realize they can access anyone, and anyone can access them if needed. They can easily connect with everyone they need to, to get what they want.

They know they’re able to attract friends, build networks, and are capable of choosing and following their own path.

They’re able to choose any course they want to, and are usually successful at it. They do so without attracting attention, they just go out and do it.

They Ask Others For Help

They’re not proud or sit high on their pedestal. Instead, they’re humble enough to ask others for advice when they need it. Those who are arrogant refuse to ask for help.

They think asking for help is a sign of weakness, that they don’t know or aren’t strong or smart enough. That asking for help from others is embarrassing.

Those who are confident know and will admit to their weaknesses. They’re not afraid to ask for assistance, and will pay respect to those who happened to help them, by complimenting them.

They do so by saying, “I need your assistance, so can you help me?” which also shows tremendous respect towards the other persons expertise. Those who are arrogant stubbornly think they know it all.

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