The Latest And Greatest Dangers Which Persists Social Media

addicted to social mediaThe greatest guilty pleasure for the majority of individuals today are their smartphones. That some would be willing to give up alcohol, chocolate, television, and even coffee for. The Internet, mobile with social media, is becoming an epidemic habit.

The biggest consequence of this device obsession, is contributing towards automotive accidents. It’s known that more than 25% percent of all crashes are now somehow related to phone usage distraction, with texting while driving being the most prevalent.

The habitual overuse of mobile devices are now causing physical ailments such as neck, hand, and wrist pain, along with the development of more permanent issues such as musculoskeletal disorders, which reduces grip and thumb strength.

The Attraction Of Social Media
There are reasons for the enormous popularity that is social media, the most common being the convenience of staying in touch with work, friends and family, and the instant gratification of entertainment that’s derived from viral content.

What social media does is instantly satisfies two primary humans needs. What everyone wants is reinforcement. Once someone posts information online, their perception of being competent is reinforced, this especially if others “shares” or “likes” their posts.

The second is that most people want to interact and forge positive relationships with others, even strangers who share a common interest.

What social media provides is the opportunity to connect with a large social network, which satisfies the need for affiliation, all which forms personal identity.

Social Media Disillusions
To participate in the shallow fake electronic playground that is social media, one is completely able to hide behind their online profiles.

What some will do is develop double identities, this by convincingly creating false or exaggerated online personas, this by distorting their real lives, this to gain more online attention.

Creating an alluring veneer about their life by faking their online identity, is obviously unethical, as this excessive attention seeking can endanger them.

Keeping Up With The…
What their social profile exaggerates is someone who they’re not, as what some will do is emulate the behavior of others who are more popular than they are, or someone who they want to be.

They mold how they should think, act, and how they should publicly portray themselves. This is the online version of “keeping up with the Jone’s.”

So instead of stating their personal or professional goals, they’ll instead set a benchmark of comparisons towards someone else, someone they can’t ever possibly be.

What these fake social comparisons does is poses a potential danger, this especially for those who may think negatively about themselves.

When comparing themselves to others who they know they can’t ever measure up to, does is further plummets their already fragile self-esteem.

Making Poor Comparisons
This habit of faking themselves towards others has additional detrimental effects, this because most online profiles are exaggerated to begin with.

Then they become disillusioned by setting these unrealistic goals, as who they’re wanting to be, becomes impossible.


Fake Accounts
What those who are popular on social media admits is that some of the images they post aren’t real, and can get out of hand, as all they’re wanting is to increase their follower base, while they’re actual real life is boring.

Some will also embellish this lifestyle to great lengths and costs, just to receive positive comments from their online audience.

This to the point where some are even experiencing financial difficulties along with moral bankruptcy, as they’re encouraging others to like their artificial online persona.

False Personas
Then they’re unable to live up to the unrealistic social media life that they’ve created for themselves, which can take a psychological toll.

This can include not eating at fancy restaurants, traveling the world, making lots of money, driving expensive cars, all things they’re perceived to do online.

These individuals then become overwhelmed and disillusioned, this because their lives can’t match the life of their artificial online profile.

What everyone on Facebook does is exaggerates, shows their most favorable side of themselves, and not their deficiencies, just the positive traits that others attempt to emulate.

Self Esteem Nosedives
What this repeated viewing of all the grandiose achievements of others, while admiring their electrifying lives does is accumulates, which can eventually lead to further consequences, such as making comparisons and not measuring up.

What’s known is that some individuals who goes on social media, feels worse about how inadequate their lives are after their Facebook session ends, then before going online.

The longer that one spends on social media, the individual concludes that other people leads far more fulfilling glamorous lives than they do or ever will.

Social media is also known as a magnet for the socially aloof, those who are lonely, as those sharing these characteristics will use social media more than their extrovert counterparts will.

Social Anxiety Redux
Some will spend their Friday and Saturday nights on social media, just to follow what others with more fabulous lives are doing, as their social anxiety lessens.

Their feelings of discomfort also lowers while they’re interacting online, this because they can participate with a “like” or a “comment,” and what doing so does is allows for personal recognition.

It also insulates them from the awkwardness along with the negative self perception, which is associated with actual face-to-face communication.

Addicted To Social
Stress levels will elevate once their social media access from their smartphone or computer becomes limited, as withdrawal sets in.

Stress can also elevate when they think that they’re not meeting their social media obligations, such as feeling guilt once they ignore the postings or comments of others that they’re following.

There’s anxiety because social media occupies the majority of their time, which should be spent on more productive activities.

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