Beat The Beast That Is Procrastination And Reach Your Goals

how to get things doneMost think that they’re capable of reaching their peak, the limits of their potential. They put in the dedication and invest in the belief to reach their goals, becoming unbreakable. Their positive attitude becomes activated and energized to take on any challenge.

That is, until the shine, the luster wears off and reality sets in, that they need to to work, to start the grind. We’re all familiar with that feeling. Our initial inspiration and drive tends to dwindle, especially when life confronts us and begins demanding more of our time.

Slowly but surely, that little voice of negativity begins to feed you otherwise, desperately attempting to lead you astray, to take you off course. Procrastination begins to throw you every excuse in the book, thinking it’s for your own good, to keep you safe and comfortable.

So how can you break free, ignore that gnawing voice and keep striving towards your original goals.

Overcoming Procrastination

Creating A Detailed Plan
Write down a plan weeks or months in advance and then post it near your desk, or an area where you can see it multiple times a day. It’s one thing having a goal, but what you need is a doable road map on how to get there.

The more detailed, the more specific that the daily steps are the better. What a plan does is it helps you to eliminate the “I don’t know what I need to do today,” excuse.

Your task, what you need to do is written right there in front of you. You don’t need to think about what or how you feel about doing it, all you need to do is just buckle down and then follow the instructions.

Be As Accountable As Possible
What you need is to create accountability in your life. What procrastination doesn’t like is one to be accountable, this because what you’re resisting is letting others or yourself down.

The easiest person that you can let down is you, so have a reason, a set of rules to keep you going and motivated. Schedule all of the work tasks you need to do, the classes to attend, your daily workouts. Make it extremely difficult for you to wiggle your way out of them.

Just Start Doing It
Stop thinking about what you need to do and just begin doing it. Expect to make mistakes. The longer that you sit and procrastinate, wait for that motivation to kick in, that perfect time, the longer that it takes.

Just starting is the hardest part and you can easily discourage yourself by going around in circles attempting to avoid it. But once you do begin, the thought of skipping out or quitting becomes secondary as the adrenaline kicks in. You’ll be happy and extremely proud of yourself that you didn’t give in.

Just Let It Go
Never beat yourself up as everyone has their bad days when things don’t go right. Feeling guilt or shame has never gotten anyone anywhere quick, although you’d like to think it can.

What the beast which is procrastination loves to do is take advantage of your vulnerability, and will pounce hard on your fragile state of mind. It fuels itself on all those negative thoughts and will fester.

Think back to what led you to give in, then ensure that you have a plan the next time to combat and regroup for a better day. What we all have is a battle of the Beast and the Superhero within us. The one that wins dictates your day.

Always Be Positive Remain Focused
What we all have is limited time and capacity, 24 hours. So don’t fall for the, “I can do everything” mentality as doing so rarely works. The most successful of individuals are those who have strict focus on what task to do.

So make sure that you follow the one action that you’ve committed to until it’s successful. What this means is you’ll have to say “No” to some things, but by doing so, you’ll get your priorities done.

Always Reward Yourself
Develop a reward system when you finish tasks. What we all need at times is a reward, a treat, to keep us in line and motivated. So decide what it is that you want, but will normally pass up.


Choose something that feels like a special reward to you, and make sure it’s healthy yet tasty, if it’s food. Be disciplined and dangle it in front of you as incentive.

Resources And Tools
Make sure that you invest in all the proper tools which helps you measure your progress. Anything which creates a gauge to measure your success. Once you begin seeing progress and results, you’ll then gain momentum along with feeling a renewed sense of motivation.

Know Why And Then Do It
Always be connecting with the why, what it is that resonates with you about reaching that goal. Why is it important to accomplish it. Starting to neglect the reason “why,” becomes a common mistake when it comes to setting goals.

What procrastination preys on is feeding off this lack of purpose, not having a valid reason why. So what you need to do is combat this with a resonating reason.

Enjoy The Process “Just Do It”
Sure it’s a cliché, but that’s because it’s true. Find the joy when in the face of suffering. Learn from the lessons which are revealed along the way, and then connect them to your life and building on tomorrow.

As any great business person or athlete will tell you, although completing the goal will give you confidence and satisfaction, it’s surviving and thriving through the process which gives them character.

Once you arm yourself, the visits from the beast within which is procrastination will go away.

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