Since Tomorrow Never Comes The Time To Act Is Right Now

Most are just too busy running around trying to survive, arrange their lives to be somewhere, usually somewhere else, wanting to be anywhere but here. Learning to become grateful, will grant you the freedom from the hypnosis of a culture that’s constantly looking to make themselves be, feel better.

What we want is to always be somewhere else financially, geographically, to have better relationships.

We often want to be anywhere rather than right here, and that if we’re somewhere else, it’s in the hopes our lives would get better.

This …

How To Deal With The Emotional Turmoil Of Getting Rejected

There’s nothing as emotionally painful as getting rejected, regardless of what form it happens to take. Not being liked, not being good enough to hang with the cool kids, not getting that job interview or promotion, not getting invited to a friend’s party, all stings.

Every no you get, every door you get slammed in your face, firmly plants you in your place.

The extent of the rejection impacts directly on the state of your welfare, who you are, while you struggle to find the best way to recover and …

A Clinical Method On How You Can Self Hypnotize Yourself

We’ve all attended the country fairs where a mystic with dark hypnotic eyes invites you, dares you, they can predict your future. For a fee, reveal what will happen to you in the future, place you under a hypnotic spell, without any interference. Is this even possible.

What experts claim is there’s approximately 30% percent of the population that can potentially be hypnotized.

The polar opposite, around 25% percent are considered extremely difficult, if not impossible to fall victim to falling under a spell of auto-suggestion.

The remainder of us …

How To Use The Laws Of The Universe To Get What You Want

Most don’t realize the strong undeniable natural undercurrents, which dictates our behaviour. Those who are unaware or don’t accept they exist, needs an injection of belief. These universal laws were discovered centuries ago which verified their existence, and how they can work in your life today.

If you need anything, anyone, then what you can do is harness these natural laws of the universe yourself.

What most usually want more of in this world is better health, empowerment, wealth, companionship.

Know the universe is controlled and governed by certain laws …

To Find Your Soul Mate You Need To Make Yourself Attractive

We all go on this quest, to find someone who’s compatible with us. We dress ourselves up to the “nines” to attract someone, hopefully who’ll stay around, and not run away after a cup of coffee. So we search, we make ourselves look as good as possible, to entrap someone.

What most will do is label this search for someone who’s similar, finding their soul mate, which appears to be mystical.

We leave it to fate, we leave it out of our hands, as “if it’s meant to be,” it …