How The Forces Of Biology Attracts Us To The Money We Want

There are some who has the capability of knowing what others are thinking. If your state of awareness is strong enough, you can have a subconscious influence on those around you, as others can have on you. There are natural laws of the universe which dictates and controls these thoughts.

By the powers which are enforced in the relevance of how things abstractly form and operate in this world, certain substances are naturally attracted to one other, to the affinity of how things work.

The reverse of this resistance, is an opposing manifestation of its power in itself.

It’s easiest path for it to take is known as repulsion, which is the complete opposite of attracting something to you.

What these actions and their results tend to do is repel one other, to deflect to the degree they become unlike, negative and opposing, and are no use to each other.

This Universal Attraction

The attraction process is universal to all beings throughout the world, on each and every plane of life, from the spiritual to the physical.

Its operations are completely autonomic, uniform, beyond our grasp and constant without fail, good or bad.

What we, it’s forces, does is takes the phenomena on one plane, and emulates the phenomena on another plane, as the same rules apply. The universal law operates the same way.

It Manifests And Expands

It formulates with invisible electrons, too small for the human eye to detect, once any thought is formed. So be careful what you wish for.

Certain electrons will attract to one other and multiply, while repelling others.

This causes themselves to form into existing groups, colonies, and combinations of electrons which are in complete harmony with one other, known as manifestation.

What then constitutes are atoms, which is the primal form of tangible matter.

Passing on the atoms themselves, what’s found are degrees of attention and affinity existing between one another, causing them to combine and form into molecules of matter.

Thoughts Turning Into Matter

For instance, a single drop of water is composed of countless numbers of molecules of H2O.

Each of these molecules are composed of two atoms, hydrogen and oxygen. This combination is always the exact same in every speck of water, every raindrop.

Why you wonder do these particular atoms combine in this exact map, in the same proportion and invariable grouping every time.


It’s not by chance, since nature is not a coincidence, as there’s a natural law which backs up every phenomenon.

What these atoms do is manifest, which is a chemical alignment known as affinity.

Often, an attached atom will come in close proximity to another atom, and then bang, there’s instant attraction.

The Attraction Process

When it comes to attraction, what’s known is certain molecules are drawn to one other if they’re the same type.

This is known as cohesion, and the reason why masses of matter are composed.

Any precious mineral such as gold, silver, tin, or a piece of glass, are composed of countless molecules, which are bound tightly together by cohesion.

This is the same reason which instinctively attracts all things together. The underlying force of this attraction, is found to be the principle of will and desire.

The Quest For Personal Success

Most will just shrug with all of this molecular connection, wondering what it has to do with them, as all they want is to become rich.

Who cares of all these atoms, electrons, and molecules, which forms all matter. Just show me the money.

What you’re wondering is what all of this has to do with the secret to success.

The reason being, this fundamental attraction works the same way, in how it brings all things, people, money, and circumstances in accordance with our desires.

What the force of will and demand does is scientifically attracts together the atoms along with other particles of matter.

So imagine yourself as an atom of living desire, and you’ll attract yourself to the things, money, people, or circumstances you want.

Feel The Connection

You’ll then become attracted to those who has the same lines of thought, with valid reason why you’ll be connected to them, and they to you.

This is why we’re instinctively attracted to certain people, or like certain things or environments, and don’t really know why.

This natural transmission of attraction isn’t a mistake or by accident. There’s nothing supernatural, magical, or mystical about it, it’s just nature taking its course.

The Art Of Manifesting Money

What it all comes down to is a scientific process when wanting to manifest more money.

Once you understand the core substance of it, at its subatomic level, is when you’ll realize you’ll never be poor again. It doesn’t always take money to generate money.

Once you take the time to study and understand the functional levels of how this attraction works, you can then apply it to anything. You can truly start from nothing.

Money For Nothing

Begin by analyzing all of the monetary opportunities around you. The more aware you become on how quickly money changes hands, how it flows, the more confident you’ll become in attracting it towards you.

It doesn’t take any type of particular education, it doesn’t need large amounts of capital for this attraction process to work.

Challenge yourself to learn the universal laws by applying your knowledge of money, then apply the associated attraction laws.

Think of the different ways on how to entice this money in your direction, beginning with understanding the subatomic nature that money is, which is a form of energy and not a currency.

Then watch how it can interact with your current life and your present reality.

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