How To Rid Of Negative Forces Before Becoming Successful

What’s not possible is attempting to be positive all the times under every circumstance, as that’s just a fact of life we all need to accept. Things will never go as planned. We can however set up warning signals and safety nets by developing better habits.

We all strive to place ourselves on the road to becoming better, to hopefully master this thing called life, our life, and all of the circumstances surrounding it.

All this while on the quest to find happiness, ultimate success, love, and abundance in our daily living.

As we grow older, our lives are the direct result of the habits we adopt.

So if you have a ritual of working out, meditating, or reading first thing in the morning, then you’re setting yourself up for a day of positive structure.

But some will continue to stumble out of bed just before noon, wolf down donuts or day old pizza, while surfing their Facebook newsfeed.

Their lives will continue down the same spiral of destruction, while becoming miserable.

Getting Better Everyday

To get better on a daily basis, to become the best you can is a sacrifice you need to make. This also doesn’t mean you need to give up on everything you love to do.

What the forgiving world we live in does is gives us second chances, new opportunities to hit the “reset” button to get it right next time.

To build a better life once we do the work which makes us happy. It’s just a matter of making the sacrifices to stop what doesn’t serve you.

Never Hold Grudges

Holding grudges are daggers to the soul. Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot lump of coal with the intention of throwing it at someone you don’t like. It’s your hands however that get burnt.

This doesn’t mean once someone does injustice on you, that you should dismiss it or pretend it never happened.

All it means is never allow it to fester in your memory, when judging the future actions of the person who did you wrong.

Life is a series of mistakes as we all make them, as we’ve all let someone down somewhere at one time or another. This is the human condition.

So just forgive yourself and others as quickly as possible, move on and do things differently next time.

Think What’s Missing In Your Life

You’ll never be perfect and if you were, that would make your life extremely boring. Everyone has their deficiencies.


If you were perfect, then you would have no goals to work towards. There would be no reason or motivation to challenge yourself to get better.

So instead of focusing on what’s missing in your life, focus instead on what you have.

Learn to become more grateful, not because others are worse off than you, but because you’re able to choose what you’re happy about.

Never Focus On What Others Say Or Do

Who really cares what others think or say about of you, that’s their opinion and station in life, and not yours.

The only exception is if someone acknowledges something good that you did, then show your gratitude.

Once you expose yourself to enough people, regardless of what you say or do, not everyone will agree with you, not everyone is going to like you.

That’s their problem and not yours. Just focus on those who’ll support you, while ignoring those who’ll detriment you. Just learn to take all the criticism in stride.

If someone dislikes you however, you also shouldn’t be completely ignoring them either. Know the difference between a malicious attack and constructive criticism.

Confrontation Without Anger

There are times when you need to stand up for yourself. It could be a friend who constantly wants something, an annoying overbearing boss, or that backstabbing co-worker.

Once these situations arise, most often, they won’t go away by you attempting to avoid them.

You need to put up your human deflection shield and man/woman up. You need to diffuse the confrontational situation.

Begin by not holding a grudge, although it can be difficult when someone is attempting to sabotage your life. At times, they don’t even realize they’re terrorizing you.

Just tell them up front face to face, their actions are affecting your life, and you want them to stop.

What you should never do is seek out this confrontation, as you’ll rarely win any arguments with someone who’s accustomed to creating this type of distress intentionally.

This occurs more commonly when dealing with those who are usually more rational, or those who you need to deal with on a daily basis.

If you’re in line at the coffee shop for instance, and someone you don’t know suddenly jumps the queue, just let it go.

Waiting For The Perfect Opportunity

Time is forever in perpetual forward motion and doesn’t wait for anyone. You’ll either run out of money, time, or good health.

Time doesn’t care about you. So fulfill all of your goals and dreams by taking action right now.

Don’t wait until you have more skills, more information, or more money. Just calculate your risk the best you can, throw caution in the wind and just do it. Take that leap of faith.

You may first stumble and fall, you might embarrass yourself badly, but at least you know you’re doing it, and striving towards living to your fullest potential.

If you’re wanting to do something, if you have dreams, then there’s no point in waiting for that perfect time, as tomorrow never comes.

Just go for it, jump in with both feet and make it happen, then suddenly you’re living life on your own terms.

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