The Best Way To Burn Of That Winter Fat To Look Summer Skinny

losing weight for the summerLook outside, the weather is finally turning, as many will come out of hibernation, shed their layered clothing, while start adapting their sedentary lifestyle. The warmer weather means the skinny season is almost here.

During this transition period however, what most feel is a bit self-conscious as they become concerned about getting fit again, as a bit of maintenance is usually required, such as losing some body fat. As hard as most tried to keep fit during the colder winter months, it’s an extremely difficult thing to do.

Most will try as they might to manage a healthy lifestyle during these times, hoping to maintain a steady weight year round. It’s the human condition however that one will become inactive, while indulging in more calorie based comfort foods.

Almost All Will Gain Weight
Anyone living in the Northern hemisphere will usually remain snug and stationary indoors as the blizzards make their way through the months. Most will surrender to their remotes or their computer, while deciding to drive instead of walking everywhere.

Then spring breaks, you look in the full length mirror and gasp at how you let yourself go. You jump on the scale to measure the damage, and then develop a plan of attack to get fit once again.

The Most Effective Ways To Lose Weight
So comes the time to start looking for the most efficient and the healthiest ways to lose weight while burning the fat off. Studies have shown that a two-pronged approach may be the best way to shed off the poundage.

What every weight loss program on the market that works has are two things in common, which are exercise to burn the fat off, and eat properly to keep it off.

Best Method To Lose Fat
Diet and eating properly is one half of the equation, while exercising is equally as important. The debate over the years has been what the most effective exercise regimen is to lose weight and then keep it off.

Opinions vary whether high intensity workouts burns off more fat than endurance exercises do. Or is strength training more effective than doing aerobic exercises for boosting metabolism.

There are clinical studies performed by fitness experts who claim that the actual type of exercise isn’t as important as consistently is, doing the exercises on a regular basis year round.

And The Best Form Of Exercise Is
There are a number of exercise methods which are currently popular, such as strength training, endurance training, and strength combined with endurance training. What was tested was if any of these were superior when it came to ones body weight and composition.

It was concluded that the best way to lose weight was a combination of resistance based strength training and aerobic exercising, while eating fewer calories.

The outcome for the participants included reduction in: total body mass index (BMI), lower total fat mass, smaller waist circumference, and an increase in lean muscle mass.

These weight loss results were all similar despite the differences in age, shape, and the duration of the exercise performed.

Strength Training Increases Muscle Mass While Boosting Metabolism
Another study found that combining any form of aerobic exercise along with resistance training can be effective for many, this especially for youths with obesity issues who are needing to lose weight.

Adolescents who are overweight are generally advised to become more active by exercising more, but there’s limited advice or evidence on what type of exercise is the best for them, this in order to lose fat and keep it off.

Based on the overall result of the study population, each type of exercise that was prescribed reduced body fat similarly, usually significantly. All three exercise protocols also resulted in more overall fat loss than in those who were just given a diet with no exercising.


A Combination Of Exercises Found The Best
For the individuals who completed at least 75% percent of the exercise sessions assigned, the percentage of body fat decreased more in those who happened to do both the resistance and the aerobic exercises, this more than those who just did the aerobic exercises.

It was found however, that doing aerobic based exercises such as biking or jogging, can initially be too challenging for those who were sedentary or too obese.

So for those who experienced difficulty doing aerobics for whatever reason, doing resistance training in these cases can be an effective alternate for boosting metabolism, which also resulted in weight loss.

Recommended Guidelines For Maintaining Weight Loss
What constantly bombards the health market routinely is the next great brand new miracle fad diet or exercise plan, which claims to have a revolutionary new way of instantly taking inches of fat off your waist. You know the majority are just hype.

What’s agreed among experts are four strict and specific weight loss guidelines that they all recommend, which all has withstood the test of time, while being scientifically proven for losing fat along with maintaining weight loss.

1.) – Eat healthier while burning off more calories than you consume
2.) – Exercise aerobically for at least 30 to 60 minutes, 5 to 7 days a week
3.) – Do strength training such as lifting weights, 2 to 3 times a week
4.) – Perform low impact aerobic exercises such as walking, biking, jogging, daily

Reasons Why Most Gain Weight
Do a personal case study on yourself. Most will realize the reason for their weight gain is a combination of a couple things, such as: too sedentary, too many calories consumed, and not enough exercising.

This appears simple enough, as the core causes of weight gain are actually quite basic. Throughout the year, just dedicate yourself to doing aerobic and strength training exercises, while burning off more calories than you take in.

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